Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Lynn Donkin Public Health Specialist
Content 1.Overview of JSNA 2.JSNA in Blackpool 3.Selected findings for Blackpool 4.What’s next
What is Joint Strategic Needs Assessment? A process to identify the health and wellbeing needs and inequalities of a local population to inform more effective and targeted service provision Key points: –Big picture of current and future needs –Wide ranging: health, wellbeing and inequalities –Joint responsibility between PCT and local authority
NHS reforms and the future of JSNA A strengthened role for JSNA in the reformed system “…local authorities and GP consortia will each have an equal and explicit obligation to prepare the JSNA, and to do so through the health and wellbeing board.”
JSNA in Blackpool Multiagency Strategic Group plus JSNA Working Group Events for commissioners December 2009, June 2011 Area Forum events Suite of 5 core documents In depth analyses and bespoke reports Externally recognised as good practice
Determinants of health model
Population and Neighbourhoods of Blackpool –Demographics – Ethnicity – Projections - Births / Deaths – Migration – Deprivation - Life Expectancy Health and Wellbeing in Blackpool –Life Expectancy – Cancer - Cervical / Breast Screening - Heart Disease and Stroke - Long- term Conditions - Mental Health Lifestyle –Smoking – Alcohol - Substance Misuse - Sexual Health & Teenage Pregnancy - Diet, Nutrition and Physical Activity – Childhood Obesity Breastfeeding Social and Community Environment –Stable homes – Carers - Making a positive contribution - Crime and disorder - Violent Crime - Violence against the person - Domestic Abuse - Criminal Damage & Arson - Serious Sexual Offences Living and Working in Blackpool –The Economy - Employment and income - Educational attainment – Housing - Place Survey JSNA - Core document
Ward profiles GP practice profiles Transience analyses Child Poverty Needs Assessment Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Teenage pregnancy analyses Needs assessment for COPD Analysis of emergency admissions Statistical neighbours JSNA – Other reports and analyses
Selected findings
Deprivation 2007Deprivation 2010
What to expect from JSNA over the coming months Refresh of core documents almost complete Summary document Newsletter Review of JSNA Strategic Group and Working Group membership Transition planning Input into development of Health and Wellbeing Strategy Work plan to pick up priorities from commissioners/stakeholders event