1 CAREER GUIDANCE SYSTEM IN LITHUANIA Aleksandra Sokolova Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania Vilnius
2 Career guidance system most often refers to the following services: career information career counselling careers education
3 The key documents for the operation of career guidance system: Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania (2003) Law on Vocational Education and Training of the Republic of Lithuania (2007) Law on Higher Education and Research (2009) Career Guidance Strategy (2004) Description of requirements for provision of career information and counselling services (2005)
4 Career guidance in based on a key principles: Accessibility Purposiveness Efficiency Qualified guidance practitioners Active dialogue with social partners Modern technical and methodological supply Reliability of information
5 Key players (education sector): The Ministry of Education and Science The Lithuanian Youth Information and Technical Creativity Centre (Career Planning Unit and Central Career Information Point) Network of 700 Career Information Points at secondary schools, vocational training schools, education centres, labour exchanges, other Career Centres at univerities and colleges The municipal pedagogical-psychological services Education Exchanges Support Foundation (Euroguidance Project in Lithuania)
6 Key players (labour market sector): The Ministry of Social Security and Labour, The Ministry of Economy The Lithuanian Labour Market Training Authority (reformed in 2010) Territorial Labour Market Training and Counselling Offices (liquidated in 2010) Lithuanian Labour Exchange and 10 Territorial Labour Exchanges
7 National projects implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science ( ): Development and Implementation of the Career Guidance System (ESF) Partners – Lithuanian Youth Information and Technical Creativity Centre, Lithuanian Labour Market Training Authority Development and Elaboration of the Open Information, Counselling and Guidance System (AIKOS) (ERPF) Partner – Centre of Information Technologies of Education
8 Results of the projects (1): career information and career counselling standards and methodical recommendations training programmes and methodologies for career guidance practitioners (teachers at secondary and vocational schools, social pedagogues, school psychologists, career counsellors) Training for 3600 career guidance practitioners
9 Results of the projects (2): 3 tests for career guidance were also adapted for the use in Lithuania. New version of the Open Information, Counselling and Guidance System (AIKOS) portal ( 4,000 descriptions of the new study and training programmes, qualifications, education and science institutionswww.aikos.smm.lt 640 Career Information Points were established
10 National Programme for Career Guidance in the Educational System of the Ministry of Education and Science ( ) (ESF) further development of the career guidance system improve the areas of management, infrastructure and contents of guidance (career education and career monitoring models, training of specialists, developing methodic materials, further development of AIKOS system)
11 Implementation of the projects under the National Programme for Career Guidance in Educational System: Development of the model of career education and monitoring for secondary and vocational schools (Lithuanian Youth Information and Technical Creativity Centre Development of the model of career education and monitoring for higher schools students (Vilnius university with partners) Further development of the Internet portal - Open information, guidance and counselling system (AIKOS) (Centre of Information Technologies of Education
12 Participation in international projects: European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network ( ) aims to assist the EU Member States and the Commission in moving European cooperation on lifelong guidance forward in both the education and the employment sectors. The purpose is to promote cooperation at Member State level on lifelong guidance and to propose appropriate structures and support mechanisms in implementing the priorities identified in the Resolutions on Lifelong Guidance (2004, 2008)
13 Open Information, Counselling and Guidance System (AIKOS) AIKOS is a public database, financed and developed by the Ministry of Education and Science AIKOS gives access to relevant information on the learning opportunities in Lithuania
14 The AIKOS website contains general information and single descriptions of: Study Programmes: University and college study programmes, Vocational education and training programmes, etc. Education and Science Institutions: Universities, Colleges, VET institutions, Secondary schools, Research institutions, etc. Qualifications: vocational qualifications and qualification degrees. Forms of Education Certificates: Higher education diplomas, Vocational education and training diplomas and certificates, etc. other relevant information related to the education, studies and training (licenses, entrance requirements, Europass, statistics, classifications, etc.).
15 Current statistics: Monthly rate of entries to AIKOS: Entries to sections with specialised information (maximum daily values): career advisers: 4800 drop-outs: 2452 parents: 896 disabled: 796 immigrants: 74 (ex)inmates: 46
16 Groups of users: Entrants, Students Drop-outs, Parents, Career advisers, Disabled, Policymakers, Employers, Immigrants, (Ex)inmates,
17 Career Guidebook - publication on occupations. Target audience – students at secondary schools, their parents, career advisers and counsellors, and other people interested in professions. Euroguidance Project in Lithuania
18 Thank you for your attention! Ms Aleksandra Sokolova Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania Department of General Education and Vocational Training Chief specialist of the Vocational Education and Guidance Division A. Volano str. 2/7, LT Vilnius, Lithuania Tel