9 th grade presentations WELCOME Freshman class!
Orange Glen Counselors AVID- Jose Ramirez A-C Special Ed- Sara Steadry D-Mah –Tiffany Wilson MAJ-PH Special Ed-Thomas Rodriguez ELD Newcomers PIE-Z Vilma Everette
Important phone numbers Diane Landreth (Counseling Secretary) Jessie Krebs- (Registrar) Jessie Krebs- (Registrar) Saryta Escobar-Bilingual counseling clerk Orange Glen Main Line (760)
Topics to be covered: Graduation requirements Post Secondary Options CSU/UC Admissions Requirements Sophomore/Junior Calendar Career Interest Inventory 4 year High School Plan
MAP Your Future M-Maintain a rigorous course of Study (Completing A –G UC/CSU admissions criteria with a 3.0 GPA. A-Attend school daily-(Maintaining a minimum of 98% attendance rate over 4 years. P- Participate in school/ community activities (minimum100 hours) Start keeping track of your hours now.
Graduation Requirements To receive a diploma students must complete a minimum of 230 credits. 155 core credits & 75 elective credits and must pass both sections of the CAHSEE English and Math with a 350 or higher.
English 40 Credits Read 180 English 9A & 9B English 10A & 10B English 11A & 11B English 12A & 12B ELD II A/B or ELD III A/B *AP’s & Honor classes available.
Math 20 Credits Algebra I Geometry or Informal Geometry If you continue with math, you may take: Algebra II Pre Calculus AP Calculus AP Statistics
SOCIAL SCIENCES 30 Credits World History10 Credits U.S. History 10 Credits Economics 5 Credits Government 5 Credits
SCIENCE 20 credits Life Science: Biology, Biology II, Ag Science 1, Ag Biology Physical Science: Oceanography, Chemistry Ag Science II
Other required subjects Physical Education 20 credits Must pass the Physical Fitness Test-Not a requirement to graduate. Health 5 credits Fine Art/ World Language 10 credits Designated college prep or career tech 10 credits 10 credits
Fine Arts or World Language 10 credits World Languages: FrenchSpanish Spanish for Spanish Speakers I & II &III AP Spanish Lang AP Spanish Lit Fine Arts: DramaBandGuitarPageantryDanceChoirArtPhotography
Career Technical Education ROP Auto ROP Print Baking and Pastry Culinary Arts I & Advance Culinary Arts
Other Elective Courses JournalismYearbookPsychology Math Support English Intensive And More!!
Tests required for Graduation California High School Exit Exam Math and Math and Language Arts (English) Passing score of 350 on each section. Language Arts (English) Passing score of 350 on each section. Goal is 350 or higher.
Post-Secondary Options Colleges/Universities CSU System UC System Community Colleges Private Colleges Vocational/TechnicalProgramsROP Technical Schools Vocational Schools MilitaryNavyArmyMarines Air Force Work
A-G Subject Requirements Course 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th A. Social Science 2 years-World History, U.S. History B. English 4 years-College prep, or Honors or A.P. C. Math C. Math 3 years-Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-calculus, AP Calculus, AP Statistics D. Science 2 years (1 year Life Science and 1 year Physical Science) D. Science 2 years (1 year Life Science and 1 year Physical Science) Biology, Biology II, Chemistry, Physics, Ag Biology, Human Anatomy LOTE- Language Other Than English LOTE- Language Other Than English Two years of the same World Language Spanish, Spanish Speakers, French F. Visual Performing Arts- 1 Year G. College Prep Electives-1 Year G. College Prep Electives-1 Year
College Admissions Tests SAT I or ACT w/writing
Financial Aid FAFSA Federal Grants State Grants Government Loans Work Study Other sources Scholarships Financial aid through your college.
Calendar It is never to early to start planning
Career Interest Inventories Career Technology Class Career Technology Class Career Center Career Center Career inventory websites: Career inventory websites: Californiacolleges.edu/Career Californiacolleges.edu/Career Careerpathsonline.com Careerpathsonline.com Career cruising Career cruising See Miriam Higar 7:15 a.m.-3:45. Every Thursday. See Miriam Higar 7:15 a.m.-3:45. Every Thursday.
The End Thank you for coming and remember to plan your future. ANY QUESTIONS????