Looking forward to Graduation: IEP’s, EDP’s, PC’s, Transitions and the MMC Kathleen Kosobud Teacher Consultant Michigan Parents of Children with Visual Impairments Annual Retreat September 24, 2011
Michigan Merit Curriculum (MMC) started with the class of English Credits 4 Mathematics Credits 3 Science Credits 3 Social Studies Credits –.5 Civics –.5 Economics 1 P.E./Health Credit 1 Visual, Performing or Applied Arts Credit 2 World Languages Credits (class of 2016) An online learning experience * *Michigan Dept. of Education, Personal Curriculum Guidelines, August 2009
Diploma (Personal Curriculum) IEP Educational Development Plan (EDP) Plan of Action Course of Study Post- secondary Goals Supports, Services Other Relevant Information
Educational Development Plan (EDP) Middle School requirement for all students –School counselor service: vocational interests –Student plan for career exploration and preparation –Used to select High School classes –Coordinates with IEP Transition Plan Connects career interests to education and training
Diploma (Personal Curriculum) IEP Educational Development Plan (EDP) Plan of Action Course of Study Post- secondary Goals Supports, Services Other Relevant Information
IEP Transition Plan Completed at age 16 (or earlier) Covers student’s Post-Secondary goals Consideration of living situation Career/vocational choice Preferences for leisure pursuits Needs for added education, training, support MI-TOP, Michigan’s Transition Outcomes Project (
Considerations for an Expanded Core Curriculum (under IDEA) Extended time may be needed Orientation and mobility Social interaction skills Independent living Recreation and leisure Career and technical education Assistive technologies Visual efficiency Technical assistance from MI Low Incidence Outreach: (
Diploma (Personal Curriculum) IEP Educational Development Plan (EDP) Plan of Action Course of Study Post- secondary Goals Supports, Services Other Relevant Information
Lack of progress despite documented supports Areas of curriculum affected by disability Scope: “as much as practicable” Leads to a diploma if completed Requires district and parent agreement Plan includes parent monitoring Personal Curriculum
Requesting a Personal Curriculum May start in Middle School Based on course of study identified in the IEP Requested after entry to High School Begins with school counselor, in collaboration with special education Depends on individual student needs; not necessary in all cases; just one option Districts must consider, but may decline after consideration
Diploma? Without diploma Exit when IEP fulfilled Alignment with career plans Impact on placement tests, Michigan Merit Exam Impact on further education With diploma Exit with diploma Broader access to military, college, trade schools Broader access to financial aid NCAA eligibility
Questions? Special thanks for the expertise of: Collette Bauman Director, MDE Low Incidence Outreach and Susan LaVenture President, National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments
Assistance with the Michigan Merit Curriculum and Transition Your area ISD or ESA: Personal Curriculum Liaison Transition Specialist Teacher Consultant for the Visually Impaired Your local school: School Counselor Special Education Coordinator
Contacts at the MDE General PC Questions Gregg Dionne Alternative Education Consultant Curriculum and Instruction OR Mary Head Department Analyst Curriculum and Instruction Students with IEPs Questions Sheryl Diamond Policy Consultant Special Education Algebra II Questions Dan LaDue Secondary Mathematics Consultant Curriculum and Instruction