Getting the Most out of High School” Freshman Parent Night “Getting the Most out of High School” Presented by the Oakland High School Guidance Department
Counseling Department Jana Hudson A-E Jessica Johnson F-L Missy Blissard M-R Teri Pigg S-Z Marsha Thompson-Graduation Coach Jane Lisle-Secretary
Our Objective: All stakeholders will gain knowledge and skills to assist students in achieving academic and career goals.
What to expect in high school More courses New teachers/students More extracurricular More independence & responsibility Consequences
Graduation Requirements 4 Credits – English 4 Credits – Math 3 Credits – Science 3 Credits – Social Studies 2 Credits – Foreign Lang 1 Credit – Fine Art 1Credit- Wellness.5 Credit – PE2.5 Credit – Personal Finance 3 Credits – Focused Pathway 1 Credit – Electives 23 Total Credits Required
Diploma with Honors ACT Benchmarks English18 Math22 Reading22 Science23
Diploma with Distinction 3.0 GPA & One of the following Governor’s School All State Musical Organizations National Merit Finalist or Semi Finalist ACT score of 31 or higher Proficient score on 2 or more AP/IB exams IB Diploma 12 or more hours of postsecondary credit Boys/Girls State
Valedictorian Requirements 4.0 GPA 12 Honors or Above Courses Honors Diploma Distinction Diploma
Tennessee Scholars Rigorous sequence of academic courses –math, science, language, social studies Volunteer Service –80 hrs Maintain Grades –C average Attendance –95%
What do grades mean? System of communication Measures results Establishes academic history Start strong, stay strong
Exams/Tests Mid-term exams/Final Exams –25% of 1 st or 2 nd semester grade EOC (End of Course) vs. Final Exam Exemption –Finals only –Based on attendance per class –Agenda pg 21
Grade Point Average Grading Scale A (4 pts) B-92-85(3 pts) C-84-75(2 pts) D-74-70(1 pt) F-69-0(0 pts) Generated at the end of each semester Internal Weighting-H/AH/AP/IB/Dual Enrollment 9 week grading period
Help Your Child Succeed Parent Portal Access (Sign up in front office) Teacher Contact/Counselor Contact Progress Report Parent Conferences PTC - October 22
Freshman Goals Grades 4 year plan of study Get involved Study Skills Plans after high school
Parent Goals Encourage independent problem solving Set limits and boundaries Encourage positive activities Be a good role model Be aware and be informed Listen
Bell schedule Calendar Student Agenda School rules/Bus Conduct Announcements Guidance Web Page Faculty s
OAKLAND PARENT ASSOCIATION Great way to get involved Meet once a month
Options After High School Identify Abilities and Interests Explore Career Options
5 Educational Options Four year colleges Community and Technical Colleges Career and Trade Schools Military Apprenticeships Strongly encourage your child to continue his/her education after high school.
Tennessee College and Career Planning Activation Code –N QFD
Tennessee Student Assistant Corporation Tennessee Lottery Scholarship Program TSAC Programs
Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship Program Hope – Up to $1750 per semester(4 yr) or Up to $1500 per semester (2 yr) GPA 3.0 or ACT 21 General Assembly Merit (GAMS) – Up to $500 per semester GPA 3.75 and ACT 29 Wilder-Naifeh – Up to $2000 per academic year
Tennessee Promise/Tennessee Achieves Provide the opportunity for high school graduates in TN to attend a community or technical college free of tuition or fees Individual guidance through volunteer mentors Must maintain satisfactory academic progress Community service requirement
NCAA Eligibility Center Academic Credentials + Amateurism Status =College Eligible
NAIA Eligibility Center GPA 18 ACT Over 300 campuses Small-college campus life
Web Safety Monitor On-line Activity Social Media Responsibility Student Accounts
Spring Registration Face to Face Early Spring Semester Course Request
FYI Absences: 5 days to turn in a note Main Office or Annex Office 10 Parent Notes Allowed Check Out Notes: Main Office Only Must be verified
Extended Absences If your student is absent for multiple days: –Contact teacher by –Check faculty webpages
FYI Car Riders -Drop and Pick up at the Annex Only Bus Riders -Gym Only Lockers: 4 th lunch Bank Preferred area
Lunch Schedule 1 st lunch: 11:31-12:07 2 nd lunch: 12:16-12:52 3 rd lunch: 1:01-1:37 Friday: 1 st lunch: 11:12-11:37 2 nd lunch: 11:37-12:02 3 rd lunch: 12:02-12:27
Reminder Report Cards Go Home October 15!
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Thank you for coming! Oakland High School Guidance Department