Labor Policy Keiichiro HAMAGUCHI
Chapter 2 Labor Market Policy
Section 5 Vocational Training and Youth Policy
(1) Vocational Training Policy
(a)From apprenticeship to in-house training 1911 Factory Law provided rules on apprenticeship Skilled Workers Training Order obliged companies training of employees. ILO Recommendation No. 57 on Vocational Training adopted in Labor Standards Law prohibited exploitation of apprentice and trainee.
(b) Vocational training and trade skill test 1958 Vocational Training Law combined in-house training with public vocational training. The Law introduced trade skill test system VT Law put in-house training under prefectural governors. ILO Recommendation No.117 on Vocational Training adopted in 1962.
(c) Employment stability policy and in-house training 1974 Employment Insurance Law headed for employment stabilization (implying in-house training) revised VT Law advocated employer’s obligation on training Human Resources Development Promotion Law recognized on-the job training (OJT) as in-house training. ILO Convention No.142 on Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training in the Development of Human Resources adopted in 1975.
(d) Voluntary Human Resource Development Focus shifted from in-house training to voluntary training (self enlightenment) revised HRDP Law declared “Career is property” Educational Training Benefits are paid to workers who take training course (benefit rate: 80% down to 40% in 2003).
(e) Support of Career Development 2001 revised HRDP Law encouraged voluntary initiatives on career designs ILO Recommendation No.195 on Human Resources Development advocated life-long learning revised HRDP Law introduced “Japanese dual system” (combination of workplace training and classroom education) Jobs Card System may facilitate employment of “freeters” and single mothers.
(2) Youth Policy
(a) Protection of Minors 1911 Factory Law banned child labor under 12, restricted working time and banned night work of age Industrial Minimum Age Law banned child labor under 14 based on ILO Convention No Labor Standards Law set minimum age at 15 based on ILO Convention No.59, restricted overtime, night work and dangerous work age of age
(b) Employment Placement of New Graduates 1947 Employment Security Law put placement for students by schools under permit revised ES Law relaxed it. PESOs deal with junior high students. Schools deal with senior high students. Smooth transition from school to work
(c) Support of Career Development of Youth Young non-regular workers (freeters) and inactive (NEET) are increasing. Four Ministers set Youth Independence and Challenge Plan. Junior Internship (work experience for high school students) Dual System (training combining school and workplace) Trial Employment