"Dead-time" reduction of the detection system of the Dubna Gas-filled Recoil Separator V.G.Subbotin, Yu.S.Tsyganov, A.A.Voinov, A.M.Sukhov, A.N.Polyakov, S.N.Iliev Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing. Bulgaria, Varna, September, 2007.
Layout of the Dubna gas-filled recoil separator (DQQ configuration)
XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing. Bulgaria, Varna, September, 2007.
Layout of the Dubna gas-filled recoil separator (DQQ configuration)
XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing. Bulgaria, Varna, September, Si focal plane box of PIPS detectors Particals’ signals: EVRs, alpha-, FF Efficiency 87% of 4p for a-particles 100% of 4p for FF Resolution 60 keV for focal plane detectors 100 keV for side detectors Dy = mm for EVR-α correlations and mm for EVR-SF 12 strips 40mm*10mm each in focal plane surrounded by 8 side detectors 40mm*40mm without position sensitivity and 3 additional detectors in “veto” mode
XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing. Bulgaria, Varna, September, Block diagram of the measuring electronics (only one detector circuit is shown completely).
XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing. Bulgaria, Varna, September, Diagram of the logic of the registration of nuclear reactions products at DGFRS
XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing. Bulgaria, Varna, September, The new logical block KL-203 to control the work of ADCs
XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing. Bulgaria, Varna, September, Summary The new logical block was designed and tested in the test reaction nat Yb+ 48 Ca (for example, 220 Th with T 10 μs). “Dead-time” of the modern registration system is 8 s. In the experiment 249 Cf+ 48 Ca three decay chains originating from the parent isotope were detected (the half-lives of all the nuclei are longer than about 1 ms) Further investigation of the region of superheavy nuclei, e.g, nuclides with Z=120 in the reaction 244 Pu+ 58 Fe definitely requires applying of this system because of the short half- lives (~10-50 s) expected for the isotopes 298,
XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing. Bulgaria, Varna, September, Thank you Thank you
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XXI International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing. Bulgaria, Varna, September, 2007.