EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract COST Action TD1208 Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications Prof. I.A.Kossyi , Vavilov Str. 38, Moscow, Russia Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences Studied topics One from the currently important ecological problem consists in utilization of gases accompanying oil recovery. Yearly more than billion cubic meters of associated gases are burning down world-wide Work performed in General Physics Institute of RAS (GPI) objective is investigation of possibility of natural hydrocarbons (namely CH4) recovery in a liquid (water) plasma-chemical reactors. Two type of reactors have been applied: based on the discharge in a water-gas mixture excited by multispark discharger developed and investigated in GPI and based on the discharge gliding on the water surface (on the water-gas interface). As a working gas methane has been applied. The first type of reactor has been applied for CH4 decomposition with nanosize carbon and H2 production. The second one has been applied for SYN-gas production. Record low energy cost for CH4 conversion have been obtained. Physical model explaining the new plasma-chemical reactors peculiarities and advantages has been developed. Scheme of reactor based on the Scheme of reactor based on the gliding on multispark discharger. 1-dielectric; the water surface discharge. 1-chamber; tube; 2-annular electrodes; 3-working 2,3-electrodes; 4-water; 5-CH4; 6-valves; gas (CH4) bubbles; 4-water; 5-plasma; 7-damping volume; 8-gliding discharge 6-reactor chamber photo of group leader
EUROPEAN COOPERATION IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COST is supported by the EU RTD Framework Programme ESF provides the COST Office through an EC contract COST Action TD1208 Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications Main experimental/computational facilities For this work execution GPI has put into operation two experimental setups based on the multispark discharge and on the gliding on the water-gas interface discharge. Diagnostic system for gas composition before and after treatment has been assembled and adjusted. Ramified plasmachemical computer program (code) has been developed and applied for liquid plasmachemical reactor description. Main research collaborations and industrial partners GPI in the framework of this program cooperated with; Ltd „PLASMA-PRO“ (Saratov); Gubkin State University of Oil and Gas (Moscow); Moscow State University Main publications A.M.Anpilov, E.M.Barkhudarov, N.K.Berezhetskaya et al. Slipping Surface Discharge in the Two-Phase Water-Gas Medium//Technical Physics, 2011, v. 56, No 11, pp Anpilov A.M., Barkhudarov E.M., Kossyi I.A. et al. Pulse-periodic High-Voltage Discharge Gliding on Water-CO2 Separating Surface // XXXVIII Intern. (Zvenigorod) Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Zvenigorod, Book of Abstracts, 2012, p Anpilov A.M., Barkhudarov E.M., Gritsinin et al. Methane Conversion with Help of Gliding Pulse High-Voltage Discharge// XXXIX Intern. (Zvenigorod) Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Zvenigorod, 2012, Book of Abstracts, p E.M.Barkhudarov, I.A.Kossyi, Yu.N.Kozlov et al. Multispark Discharge in Water as a Method of EnvironmentalSustainability Problems Solution// Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, v (2013), Article ID , 12 pages. Photograph of multispark discharge Photograph of gliding discharge on the in water water – CH4 separating surface