Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Storage cells for internal experiments with Atomic Beam Source at the COSY storage ring by Kirill Grigoryev Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia
2 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Storage cell Proposed by W. Haeberli 2 nd International Symposium On Polarization Phenomena, Basel, 1966 Cyclotron beam ABS beam
3 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Storage cell The first cell. Deuteron, VEPP-3PINTEX, IUCF-Cooler HERMES, DESY ANKE, COSY
4 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) COSY – COoler SYnchrotron internal experiments – with the circulating beam external experiments – with the extracted beam p, p, d, d with momenta up to 3.7 GeV/c
5 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Spectrometer ANKE ANKE at COSY Targets Solid strip Cluster jet Polarized gas cell ( polarized gas jet ) Magnets D2 – spectrometer magnet D1, D3 – beam bending magnets Detector systems Positive & Negative Forward & Backward Spectator Detectors
6 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Polarized Internal gas Target (PIT) Lamb-shift polarimeter (LSP) for online polarization measurements Storage cell to increase target density Atomic Beam Source (ABS) Target gas Hydrogen or Deuterium Beam intensity (2 HFS) 8 ∙ at/s ABS beam size σ = 2.85 ± 0.42 mm Hydrogen polarization P Z = 0.89 ± 0.01 P Z = ± 0.01 Target density at ANKE jet ~ 1.5 · at/cm 2 cell ~ 2.1 · at/cm 2 talk by M. Mikirtychyants 15 September 2011 talk by R. Engels 13 September 2011
7 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Development of the storage cells for internal experiments with Atomic Beam Source at ANKE / COSY
8 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Beam profile measurements setup XY-table Vacuum chamber Frame with diaphragms or a special diaphragm support COSY beam
9 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Measurement at injection Scraper F. Hinterberger and D. Prasuhn, NIM A 279 (1989) 413. K. Potter, Beam profiles, Yellow Report CERN 85-19, pp
10 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Measurement on flattop (2.65GeV) Transverse fixed storage cell dimensions are 15 x 20 mm 2 Transverse openable storage cell dimensions are 15 x 12 mm 2
11 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Cooling procedures at COSY At injection energy Stacking injection 28 stacks with 2s electron cooling acceleration to 600 MeV after 1 minute maximum cooling energy < 100 MeV On the flattop Stochastic cooling Minimum energy is cooling is 831MeV Cooling off Cooling on
12 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) First double pol. experiment (2007) Storage cell & support storage cell size – 15 x 20 x 390 mm 3 25 μm thin Al foil (99.95 Al) + 5 μm Teflon coating high target density unpolarized gas feeding system LSP below the target chamber online measurement of the ABS beam polarization Silicon tracking telescope (STT) measurement of spectator protons nearby the storage cell center (10 mm away from the cell wall)
13 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Achievements in 2007 Stacking injection 120 injections with 10 s e-cooling Time, min Acceleration without gas in the storage cell Switching on the gas to feed the storage cell Flat top 30 min, to have about 2/3 duty time ~7 · 10 9 polarized deuterons!!! XY - distribution of the particle trajectories cell Y - distribution of the particle trajectories
14 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) H 2 ANKE : status 2007 In 2007 commissioning of the Polarized Internal hydrogen gas Target at COSY was completed successfully The first 5 weeks production run with hydrogen PIT was performed in October 2009 (Exp. #172.1) Another 7 weeks of data taking with hydrogen PIT in May 2011 (Exp. #205) Polarized target density in the cell d t ~ 2 · at/cm 2 COSY-beam N ~ 7 · 10 9 d Luminosity in the experiment L ~ 2.5 · s -1 cm -2 Hydrogen polarization in the cell Q y = 0.75 ± 0.06 Deuteron COSY-beam polarization P z ~ 0.51 ± 0.04 → RESULTS R.Engels - PSTP ’07 proceedings AIP Conf. Proc. 980, 161 (2008)
15 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) ANKE in 2009 Fall 2009 beamtime at ANKE with polarized hydrogen : source intensity- 8 · at/s target density · at/cm 2 expected density · at/cm 2 (~7% more) Storage cell configuration: dimensions15x20x370 ( ) mm 3 material25μm Al + 5μm Teflon
16 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Storage cell for ANKE not openable storage cell for ANKE experiments
17 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) New storage cell New experiments requires higher density of the polarized H 2 / D 2 target Loosing intensity on the cell walls Loosing time with stacking injection Loosing density with fixed storage cell ANKE needs an openable storage cell
18 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Cell dimensions optimization (1)
19 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Cell dimensions optimization (2)
20 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Cell dimensions optimization (3) 100% ~ 1.34 · at/cm 2 328% ~ 4.40 · at/cm 2
21 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Target chamber and 4 STT
22 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Openable cell and 2 STT
23 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Openable cell
24 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Openable storage cell for ANKE
25 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Openable storage cell for ANKE The opening mechanism was slightly shifted from its original position and the storage cell stop moving at the end of the machine development
26 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Conclusion Fixed storage cell configuration: dimensions15x20x370 ( ) mm 3 material25μm Al + 5μm Teflon Atomic hydrogen target density · at/cm 2 Openable storage cell configuration: dimensions11x11x390 ( ) mm 3 material25μm Al + 5μm Teflon Expected atomic hydrogen target- 4.7 · at/cm 2
27 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) spare
28 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) First exp. with storage cell (2006) target thickness ~ cm -2 luminosity ~ cm -2 s -1 Target – storage cell with unpolarized ABS beam cell region D2 region target thickness ~ cm -2 Hydrogen in HFS 1 only Target – storage cell with (un)polarized ABS beam target thickness ~ cm -2 ABS - jet density, cm - 3 Target – ABS jet with unpolarized Hydrogen D2 regionABS-jet region
29 Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia Kirill Grigoryev ( PNPI & FZJ ) Magnetic field along the COSY and PIT beams was measured at different D2 currents (from stand-by to max)