Manolis Benis Solid angle correction factors for hemispherical and two-stage parallel plate analysers in the detection of long lived projectile Auger states Department of Physics, University of Ioannina 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015
Ion-atom Collisions continuum K L M K capture K-M excitation E a - Auger energy KLM Auger transition e-e interaction Atomic Energy levels K ionization Atomic Structure: q, Z p, Z t, E x, E a … Collision Dynamics: b, V p, v t … Cross section: Few HCI: Few -electrons - simpler environment for testing theories Projectile spectroscopy: Control # of electrons on ion by selecting its charge Special interest: Two-electron processes, e- correlations and deviations from the IPM M-K radiative transition ExEx VpVp ZpZp ZtZt b e-e- e-e- Ion-atom collision vtvt Projectile Ion Charge q+ Target Atom
Ion-atom Collisions: Electron Spectroscopy 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015
The effective solid angle correction factor Doukas et al, Rev. Sci. Instr (2015) 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August MeV C 4+ (1s2s2p 4 P J ) Hemispherical Deflector Analyser
Benis et al, submitted to NIMB 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015 The effective solid angle correction factor The lens filters out emitting angles higher than 2 o The lens also filters out electrons generated within it … Hemispherical Deflector Analyser SIMION Monte Carlo type Calculations
SIMION simulations 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015 Doukas et al, Rev. Sci. Instr (2015) Hemispherical Deflector Analyser
9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015 The effective solid angle correction factor Tandem Parallel Plate Analyser d L1L1 L2L2 S x w l Work In Progress …!
Mixed state (1s 2 1 S, 1s2s 3 S ) beams Use both measurements to obtain the fractions Benis et al, Phys. Rev. A 65, (2002) Practically ground state (1s 2 ) spectrum. < 3% metastable Ion Beam obtained by gas stripping at lower energies Mixed state (1s 2, 1s2s 3 S) spectrum 25% metastable Ion Beam obtained by foil stripping “Subtract” spectra to obtain pure metastable beam 1s2s 3 S spectrum! 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015
+ 2p 4 P : 2 P - : 2 P + Finalbreakdown Probability Spin recoupling 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015 Application: Populating the 1s2l2l' states
Literature Overview Spin statistics Strohschein et al, Phys. Rev. A 77, (2008) Zouros et al, Phys. Rev. A 77, (R) (2008) 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015
Tanis et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, (2004) Pauli Exchange Interaction 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015 Literature Overview nl Zouros et al, Phys. Rev. A 77, (R) (2008) Radiative Cascade feeding
Revisit of older data Benis et al, Phys. Rev. A 65, (2002) 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August MeV C 4+ (1s2s 3 s) + He Rohrbein et al, Phys. Rev. A 81, (2010)
Current and future prospects In progress: Installation of terminal gas stripper to produce ground state beams Installation of post strippers (foil and gas) to produce He-like ions at lower energies Investigation of the systematics of the 4 P/ 2 P ratio in an isoelectronic sequence study using He-like ions from Li +, B 3+, C 4+, N 5+, O 6+, F 7+ in the MeV/u Investigation of the systematics of the 4 P/ 2 P ratio in an isoelectronic sequence study using He-like ions from Li +, B 3+, C 4+, N 5+, O 6+, F 7+ in the MeV/u Use different targets such as H 2, He, Ne, Ar Use different targets such as H 2, He, Ne, Ar 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015
Ongoing Research New calculations are needed to evaluate capture and cascade contributions for all measured collision systems New targets Higher Energy – 18 MeV 9th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015
Thank you for your attendance Acknowledgement: This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) Research Funding Program: THALES. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund, grant number MIS th International Physics Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Istanbul, August 2015