Girl Scout Resources Through the Years
Update or Keep the Same? Girl Scout Values Toymaker Badge Belief in Girls’ Potential Daisy GS Activity Book Girl Leadership Focus Technology Used Role Modeling Activities Keeping Girls Safe What we do to keep girls safe
For_Volunteers/VolunteerEssen tials Click Here! Click Here!
Volunteer Essentials The What’s: programs, badges, meetings, awards, cookies and more The Why’s: council procedures - how they work, when to use them The How’s: taking trips, understanding your girls, and getting the most out of your leadership role
Each item is a HYPERLINK! Each item is a HYPERLINK!
Safety Activity Checkpoints 8 ointsbyActivity
This is just the beginning! This is just the beginning!
The Girl Scouts Program Portfolio To assure that girls all over the country are receiving the same high quality Girl Scout experience, by fall 2011, the national program portfolio will consist of two types of products: The Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting Complementary resource to Journeys that builds specific skills A different book for each grade level, Daisy through Ambassadr Will have a Handbook Section & a Badge Book section Available in September 2011 Journeys Core program resource Girls explore the three leadership keys: Discover, Connect and Take Action Journeys address many of the 15 outcomes in one resource. The Goal: A nationally consistent Girl Scout Leadership Experience
Girl Scout Program ‘Map’
GGGS Handbook Section What’s special about being a Girl Scout Girl Scout history Girl Scout traditions List of insignia, emblems and awards Awards log Diagram of sash/vest with badge placement Bridging award requirements Bronze, Silver, or Gold Award requirements Journey map Map showing all the councils and special Girl Scout places Each Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting book will contain information on these general categories, differentiated by grade level …
GGGS Badge Section: Legacy Badges The GGGS will offer new content on topics that have been part of Girl Scouting since the beginning. These badges will be offered for Brownies through Ambassadors and relate to the following areas of interest. Girl Scout Ways The Arts Athletic s Good Citizenship Nutritio n First AidNature
Badge Section: New Badges New awards will be offered for Daisies through Ambassadors… Financial Literacy Badges: to help girls become independent women who can support themselves and give back to their communities. Cookie Badges: for girls to learn business skills through the practical application of the cookie sale. New Girl’s Guide to Girl Scouting - Available Fall 2011
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. Contact Us GSUSA Site Map Privacy Policy Media United Way Jobs Partners Blogs Ask Us! Site by Fuse IQ.Fuse IQ FOR GIRLS FOR TEENS FOR PARENTS FOR VOLUNTEERS Click Here! Click Here! It all starts here…
Suggestions for finding the Facilitator Website try via the Facebook Group page or save it in your favorites. In the lower left hand corner of the group page you can click on the link that will take you to the Facilitator’s Web site
Main Page, updated frequently
Access numbers of participants in classes and what classes need facilitators, PDF documents and Excel updated weekly.
See most current curriculum, useful files from other facilitators, and a list of who to contact for obtaining supplies.