Survey conducted by: National Research Center, Inc th St. Boulder, CO (303) The National Citizen Survey™ LOWER PROVIDENCE TOWNSHIP, PA Summary of Findings September 2008
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.2 The National Citizen Survey™ (The NCS) Background ICMA/NRC initiative Turnkey omnibus citizen survey service Benchmark comparisons Over 160 participants in The NCS in over 40 states Over 500 jurisdictions in full database
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.3 Primary Purposes of Survey To assess resident satisfaction with community characteristics and amenities To help evaluate Lower Providence local government Using comparisons to other jurisdictions To determine resident participation in local activities
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.4 Uses of Survey Results Results can be used to: Inform budget, land use, strategic planning decisions Measure government performance Benchmark service ratings Monitor trends in resident opinion
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.5 Study Methods Mailed survey to approximately 1,200 residents 340 households returned the survey 29% response rate Margin of error +/- 5% for any given percentage point
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.6 Quality of Community All Above the National comparison Populations less than 40,000 in the East Similar Above Similar
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.7 Likelihood of Remaining in Community and Recommending Community Percent responding (Very + Somewhat) Likely Recommend living in Lower Providence to someone who asks 89% Remain in Lower Providence for the next five years 88% Similar Above National Benchmark Comparison
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.8 Community Characteristics Percent responding "excellent" or "good" National Benchmark Comparison Above the benchmark Availability of affordable quality housing 43% Variety of housing options 64% Quality of new development in township 64% Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc) 50% Animal control 69% Street repair /maintenance 60% Snow Removal 68% Also rated above when compared to Populations less that 40,000 in the east
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.9 Place to work 66% Abov e Similar Overall quality of business and service establishments in Lower Providence 60% Comparison not available Employment opportunities 42% Similar Abov e Community Characteristics Percent responding "excellent" or "good" National comparison Populations less than 40,000 in the East Shopping opportunities 54% Abov e
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.10 Township Services Fire services 98% Ambulance/ EMS services 97% Police services 91% Township parks 88% Highest Rated Percent responding "excellent" or "good" = Populations less than 40,000 in the East = national benchmark comparison
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.11 Township Services Lowest Rated Services to low-income people 38% Land use, planning and zoning 40% Percent responding "excellent" or "good" = Populations less than 40,000 in the East = national benchmark comparison Traffic signal timing Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands, and greenbelts 47%
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.12 Government Performance Percent responding "excellent" or "good" Overall image or reputation of Lower Providence 70% Similar National comparison Populations less than 40,000 in the East Value of services for the taxes paid to Lower Providence 50% Below The overall direction that Lower Providence is taking 49% Below Job Lower Providence government does at welcoming citizen involvement 40% Below
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.13 Lower Providence Employees
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.14 Ratings of Nuisance Problems
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.15 From Violent Crime 90% Public Safety Felt “very” or “somewhat” safe Neighborhood 97% Downtown After dark 77% 87% 95% During the day 64% From Environmental Hazards From Property Crime 74%
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.16 Community’s Natural Environment
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.17 Support for Funding: Programs for teens97% Programs for seniors96% Preserving open space95% "Growing greener" initiative (such as alternative fuel vehicles and renewable energy)93% Building projects for Parks and Recreation92% Acquiring open space89% Percent Responding “Strongly” or “Somewhat” Support
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.18 Support for Raising Taxes to Fund: Percent Responding “Strongly” or “Somewhat” Support Preserving open space69% Programs for teens68% Building projects for Parks and Recreation66% "Growing greener" initiative (such as alternative fuel vehicles and renewable energy)66% Programs for seniors64% Acquiring open space51%
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.19 To what degree do you support or oppose a single Township-wide zip code for Lower Providence? A Single Zip Code 56% strongly or somewhat support 45% strongly or somewhat oppose
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.20 Lower Providence Action Chart National Benchmark Comparisons “Key Drivers” Key Driver Analysis (KDA) Cornerstone of customer satisfaction research in the private sectorCornerstone of customer satisfaction research in the private sector Tells what service evaluations best predict how well you do overallTells what service evaluations best predict how well you do overall Focuses managers and staff on activities that could “get the most bang for the buck”Focuses managers and staff on activities that could “get the most bang for the buck”
21 The National Citizen Survey™ Action Chart National Research Center, Inc. Overall Quality of Lower Providence Township Services Legend Above Benchmark Similar to Benchmark Below Benchmark Key Driver Recreation and Wellness Township parks Recreation programs Library Civic Engagement Public information Public Safety Traffic enforcement Fire services Police services EMS Emergency preparedness Environmental Sustainability Preservation of natural areas Sewer services Storm drainage Garbage collection Recycling Community Design Street repair Economic development Animal control Code enforcement Planning and zoning Snow removal Street lighting Street cleaning Traffic signal timing
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.22 Conclusions Strengths Overall service provision Community quality Civic engagement Challenges TransportationPublic Trust Economic Sustainability
The National Citizen Survey™ National Research Center, Inc.23 Possible Next Steps Policy exploration survey Focus groups Staff workshop
Survey conducted by: National Research Center, Inc th St. Boulder, CO (303) The National Citizen Survey™ Questions Thank You!