Girl Scout Outreach
Hold Information session with girl scouts digital movie basics and web development Earn STEM badges Plan: experts explain topic Girl Scouts explore on their own Volunteers help guide and answer questions
4 Information sessions At Least 10 girls each session Participating girls earn badges
September: Reach out to girl scouts, and determine their needs October: Formulate Lesson plans, get approval from girl scouts, complete liability paperwork November: Edit and Finalize lesson plans, complete background checks, confirm experts December 7 th Cadette Lesson December 14 th Ambassador Lesson
Communication Facebook group Group meeting Group Wiki Dividing Work Leaders- Finding experts, compiling lesson plans, getting lesson plans approved, ensuring completion of paperwork, schedule information sessions Team- Create pre/post survey, attend at least one session, identifying potential downfalls
So Far: Created pre/post survey Found experts Communicated with girl scouts, volunteers, experts Schedule Session details Soon: Hold 2 information sessions
Scheduling ahead Give volunteers information on topic