Spanish IA & IB *A high-school credit class! *Super fun & useful!
We speak Spanish!
HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT CLASS! Spanish 1A =.5 Spanish 1B =.5 Spanish 2 (next year’s 8 th grade) = 1 credit THE GRADE goes on the high school transcript.
What will my child learn? Spanish 1A Introducing self Describing self & others Classes Shopping/clothes Food Family (Focus is on the present tense only!) Spanish 1B Sports Body/Health Transportation Technology Travel Current events Beauty regimen (Focus is on the present tense with some past.)
Who am I? Meaghan Dinan (long E, long I) I have 3 kids I lead 2 girl scout troops I’ve been teaching for 14 years I have a Master’s and am ABD in Spanish Spanish Linguistics. I LOOOOVE to teach Spanish!
Homework Students write the homework in their planner at the beginning of every class. There will be planner and binder checks – keep those handouts in the rings! Students should do something for Spanish EVERY night we have class (at least).
How to Help…. Subscribe to my webpage: Check your child’s grades on Parent Self Serve Help your child study Tutorials are available after school on Tuesday and Thursday. Donate classroom supplies if you can.
Books? Buen Viaje Use the book as a reference when studying at home. Soon we will have a class set.
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