Welcome to Lapworth Church of England School New Parents’ Meeting Wednesday 3 rd June 2015
Aims of this evening Meet members of staff Find out arrangements for your child starting school Learn more about the curriculum your child will follow View the school environment
Welcome Pack Starting School Booklet Induction timetable What is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)? Ideas of how you can help your child with their early reading and number skills at home. Phonics letter sounds and actions A copy of the Early Leaning Goals (ELG) Please visit the school website if you would like to download a copy of the school’s prospectus. Orange sheets- to be handed back in tomorrow please.
Reception Teaching Staff Miss Harris (Mrs Gibson) – Reception Teacher Mrs Pugh – Class 1 Teaching Assistant (Tuesday to Friday) Mrs Winter (Monday)
Starting School All the children will start school on a part-time basis for the first 3 days. Children’s first day in school will be Wednesday 9 th September. They will be staying for lunch this week and will be collected at 12:30pm. The following week they will start full time and finish at 3.30pm
Induction Timetable Week 1 9 th /10 th /11th September Mornings and staying for lunch (8.55am pm) Week 2 Monday 14th September Full time 8:55am- 3:30pm
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)? The E.Y.F.S. is the stage of education for children from birth to the end of the Reception year. It is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning. It is developed around 4 themes that underpin the EYFS: 1. A unique Child- Observe what a child is learning 2.Positive Relationships- What adults can do 3.Enabling Environments- What adults could provide 4.Learning and Developing- Children’s achievements through the above
Areas of learning… The New Foundation Stage Curriculum 2012: PRIME AREAS 1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development 2. Communication and Language 3. Physical Development These are crucial for developing children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. Then there are 4 SPECIFIC AREAS 4.Literacy; 5.Mathematics; 6.Understanding the world; 7.Expressive arts and design
The Foundation Stage Curriculum Curriculum is provided through continuous provision in the classroom, adult focused activities and child initiated activities. During the year a EYFS profile is completed for each child which shows children's achievements for each of the seven areas of learning. This information is most useful for the Year One teacher and for parents. By the end of the Foundation Stage (end of Reception) there are expected levels that your child should reach, these expectations are called the “Early Learning Goals (ELGs)” At the end of the year your child will either be: -Emerging in the ELG -Expected in the ELG -Exceeded in the ELG Have a look in your welcome pack for a copy of the ELG in each area of learning.
For more information on the new Early Years Framework: You can find the Early Years Foundation Stage which includes the early learning goals at The foundation years website also includes a range of resources and contacts.
Reading with your child Getting started Children progress throughout the year How often their book will get changed? Please record in their reading record Please read as much as possible with your child to give them the best start.
Phonics Phonics is taught through a daily 20 minutes session. Children will be in groups for phonics which will be very flexible as the year progresses. The Letters and Sounds document is split into 6 phases. Children work through these phases. Introduction to phonics session: Wednesday 24 th 9:15am
Assessment A mixture of adult led and child initiated activities during the day, which the reception staff will observe to find out what they know and what they need to learn or practise. This information is all fed into your child’s profile which is a document completed for every reception child in the country. Each child will have a Learning Journal to show their progress through the year. Observations consist of noting down what we describe as ‘WOW’ moments for your child and things observed for the first time. We encourage you please to share these ‘WOW’ moments you experience at home with us at school. Please write these in their yellow home-school book, which we can then share at school.
Conversation with class teacher Opportunity for you to ask questions just before your child starts school. For us to get to know your child on a 1:1 basis. Opportunity for your child to show us something they like or something they can do. This can be done as an conversation in school where you can see the classroom again and together we can talk to your child about their new classroom as a phone conversation or if you wish home school visits are also available. Please sign up for a slot on the sheet at the back of the hall.
School uniform Please ensure names are in everything! Please make sure your child practices independent dressing over the summer. Toileting- to make sure your child is confident to go by themselves. Please provide a spare pair of pants in their book bag for any accidents!
Communication Between Home & School Weekly Newsletter every Friday will be put in your child’s home-school book. It will also be uploaded on the school website. Absence notification - Phone Call Other Issues e.g. health, family arrangements etc. If children are going to be going on the school bus then it must be confirmed in writing which days they are on the bus and if there are any changes this should be made in writing. If your child is going home with another parent or adult then it must be written in their home- school book otherwise they will not be able to go home with that adult, until we have permission.
Snack and milk There is a independent snack table in the classroom. Children are encouraged to have a pieces of fruit in the morning and afternoon for playtime the selection varies each day some of the options are: oranges, bananas, raisins, pineapple, tomatoes, apples and carrots. Milk is free for children up until they are 5 years old, then there is an option to pay if you wish to continue. You must complete the form in your welcome pack to register your child. Last year we found some children needed an additional snack at morning playtime, especially if they did not like the fruit that was on offer. This snack can be put in their book bag for them to get out themselves at playtime. Tuck shop- children can bring 50p for each morning playtime and buy a drink and a snack (e.g. juice and a crumpet/piece of toast) Money must be in a named purse or small bag.
Date for your diary Introduction to Forest School session Monday 14 th September at 3.10pm (just before you pick your child up at 3.30pm)
School website Please make sure you have a look on our school website regularly. You will find weekly updates and photographs of what your children have been doing at school.
Tomorrow Please bring your child into Class 1 at 1:10pm. Children will then do activities in the classroom for an hour. After dropping your child off please go to the school hall for tea and coffee. At 2:10 please come to collect your child from Class 1 and feel free to speak to Class 1 staff.
The rest of the evening Pick up your Welcome pack Look around the school Visit the Reception Classroom The staff will be happy to help with any queries