ICT and The Early Years Samantha Lange
Why ICT and Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy?
Maths Trail How many brown horses can you see? How many horses are there all together? How many daisies can you see? How many dandelions can you see? How many are there all together?
Cross – curricular links…. EYFS - Shape, Space and Measures: “Use language such as ‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes” (EYFS, 2007, p.73). EYFS – ICT: “Find out about and identify the uses of everyday technology and use information and communication technology to support learning” (EYFS, 2007, p.82). NC – Mathematics key stage 1 Ma3: “Observe, name and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes including triangles of various kinds, rectangles including squares, circles……” (NC, 1999, p.65).
….continued ‘Excellence and Enjoyment’ (2003) ‘Every Child Matters’ (2004) ‘Learning Outside the Classroom Manifesto’ (2008) The Department for Education and Skills created the Learning Outside the Classroom manifesto with a key message to many settings; “we believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of learning and personal development” (DfES, 2008, p.0).
What shapes can you see in the gate?
Lesson Plan PSRN Early Learning Goal Use language such as ‘circle’ or ‘bigger’ to describe the shape and size of solids and flat shapes. Development matters Begin to use mathematical names for ‘flat’ two-dimensional shapes. Activity In groups, children to find objects of specific shapes in school grounds and take photos of them using a digital camera. Download photos (with adult help) onto school computer/laptop. In their groups, present photos to class using IW, drawing the correct shape around objects identified by rest of class. ICT resources Digital camera Computer/laptop Interactive Whiteboard ICT levels of differentiation 1.Knows what a digital camera is called 2.Switches camera ‘on’/’off’ 3.Knows purpose of digital camera 4.Can take a picture using digital camera (Kennington and Meaton, 2009, p.12)
Examples of work
ASSESSMENT Becta (2010) identify research that shows the following benefits will become apparent when using ICT as a learning platform in the classroom; Increased motivation and support to enable learners to take more responsibility for independent learning. Development of functional technology skills, collaboration skills and critical thinking. More opportunities for self-assessment and peer review between learners.
ICT – Outdoors?! Technological tools are generally not suited to the outdoors: often needing a power source, failing in the damp and dying in the rain. The EYFS tells us that: Being outdoors has a positive impact on children’s sense of well-being and helps all aspects of children’s development Young children thrive and their minds and bodies develop best when they have access to stimulating outdoor environments for learning through real life experiences. (Price, 2009,p69)
Children are delighted by new technology! Staff have plenty of ideas! Put the two together and you have a twenty- first-century Early Years Foundation Stage method of curriculum delivery! (Kennington and Meaton, 2009, p.6)
Bibliography Becta (2010) “Learning Platform: Steps to adoption” publications.becta.org.uk/display.cfm?resID=42120 (accessed 21/11/2010) Department for Education and Employment (DfEE )& QCA (1999) The National Curriculum London: DfEE & QCA Department for Education and Skills (2003) Excellence and Enjoyment Nottingham: DfES Publications Department for Education and Skills (2007) Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage Nottingham: DfES Publications Department for Education and Skills (2008) “Every Child Matters: Aims and outcomes” (accessed 05/10/10) Department for Children Schools and Families (2008) Learning Outside the Classroom MANIFESTO Nottingham: DfCSF Publications Kennington, L. and Meaton, J. (2009) “Integrating ICT into the Early Years curriculum” in Price, H. (ed) The Really Useful Book Of ICT In The Early Years Oxon: Routledge, pp Price, H. (2009) “ICT and the outdoor learning environment” in Price, H. (ed) The Really Useful Book Of ICT In The Early Years Oxon: Routledge, pp