BUSINESS AND TRADITION The German Comenius team did an interview with people of the generations of our grandparents and parents to get to know the different jobs people did from the past till today. We also wanted to know if there is a kind of tradition concerning jobs within the families. To show our results, we made a chart:
parents/ siblings grandparentsgreat grandparents great grandparents great great great grandparents family A woman bachelor of business administration florist/ gardener housewife farmer dress maker farmer family A man IT project- manager, motor mechanic foreman, plumber/ installer farmer,mayor, dress maker, miner, florist miner, businessman, farmer family B woman cateringsecretary housewife family B man mechanicbusinessman, baker, carpenter floorer businessman, miner family C woman foreign language corresponden ce clerk, chemist foreign language corresponden ce clerk, secretary housewife family C man industrial business management assistant marine engineer health fund assistant, shoemaker, machine builder teacher, brick mason, factory manager
parents/ siblings grandparentsgreat gandparents great great grandparents great great great parents family D woman child care worker secretary, photo lab assistant, chemist housewife, businesswoman, fish salesperson housewife family D man IT-managerelectrician, businessman fitter, gardenerminer,fitter family E woman psychotherapistbook keeper, businesswoma n housewife, farmer family E man physicistbusinessmancarpenter, farmer, worker in industry farmer family F woman educatorbusinesswoma n housewifefarmerhousekeeper
parents/ siblings grandparentsgreat grandparents great great grandparents great great great grandparents family F man machine fitterpainter, lacquerer, brick mason economist, welder, miner dressmaker, shoemaker owner of a shop family G woman businesswoman, housewife farmer, housekeeper family G man welder, cab driver, engenieer sanitary family H woman foreign language correspondence clerk, chemist secretary, foreign language correspondence clerk housewife family H man industry businessman marine engineerhealth fund assistant, machine worker teacher, brick mason, factory manager
In the past women rarely learnt technical jobs, whereas most of the men did. Many women were housewives, because in the past it was common that the men worked and the women cared for the children and the house. The husbands had to allow their wives to work. In our interview, there were a few family traditions concerning the jobs, so these traditions do exist.
a nurse a typical housewife
a smith a roofer
a policeman two mechanics working in different sectors
our headmistress Mrs Wenning