Adaptive Optimization with On-Stack Replacement Stephen J. Fink IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Feng Qian (presenter) Sable Research Group, McGill University
Motivation Modern VM uses adaptive recompilation strategies VM replaces entry in dispatching table with newly compiled code Switching to new code can only happen at the next invocation On-stack replacement (OSR) allows transformation happen in the middle of method execution
What is On-stack Replacement? Transfer execution from compiled code m1 to compiled code m2 even while m1 runs on some thread’s stack stack PC frame m1 stack PC frame m2
Why On-Stack Replacement (OSR)? Debugging optimized code via dynamic de- optimization [SELF-93] Deferred compilation of cold paths in a method [SELF-91, HotSpot, Whaley 2001] Promotion of long-run activations [SELF-93] Safe invalidation for speculative optimization [HotSpot, SELF-91]
Related Work Holzle, Chambers, and Ungar (SELF-91, SELF- 93) deferred compilation, de-optimization for debugging, promotion of long-run loops, safe invalidation [OOPSLA’91, PLDI’92, OOPSLA’94] HotSpot server compiler [JVM’01] Partial method compilation [OOPSLA’01]
OSR Challenges Engineering Complexity How to minimize disruption to VM code base? How to constrain optimizations? Policies for applying OSR How to make rational decisions for applying OSR? Effectiveness How does OSR improve/constrain dataflow optimizations? How effective are online OSR-based optimizations?
Outline Motivation OSR Mechanism Applications Experimental Results Conclusion
OSR Mechanism Overview Extract compiler-independent state from a suspended activation for m1 Generate specialized code m2 for the suspended activation Compile and transfer execution to the new code m2 m2 stack PC frame m1 compiler- independent state stack PC frame m
JVM Scope Descriptor Compiler-independent state of a running activation Based on Java Virtual Machine Architecture Five components: 1)Thread running the activation 2)Reference to the activation's stack frame 3)Program Counter (as a bytecode index) 4)Value of each local variable 5)Value of each stack location
class C { static int sum(int c) { int y = 0; for (int i=0; i<c; i++) { y += i; } return y; } Running thread: MainThread Frame Pointer: 0xSomeAddress Program Counter: 16 Local variables: L0(c) = 100; L1(y) = 1225; L2(i) = 50; Stack Expressions: S0 = 50; S1 = 100; JVM Scope Descriptor 0 iconst_0 1 istore_1 2 iconst_0 3 istore_2 4 goto 14 7 iload_1 8 iload_2 9 iadd 10 istore_1 11 iinc iload_2 15 iload_0 16 if_icmplt 7 19 iload_1 20 ireturn Bytecode JVM Scope Descriptor Example Suspend after 50 loop iterations (i = 50)
Extracting JVM Scope Descriptor Trivial from interpreter Optimizing Compiler Insert OSR Point (safe-point) instructions in initial IR OSR Point uses stack, local state needed to recover scope descriptor OSR Point is treated as a call, transfers control to exit block Aggregate OSR points to an OSR map when generating machine instructions stack PC frame m1 compiler- independent state 1
Specialized Code Generation Prepend a specialized prologue to original bytecode Prologue will Save JVM Scope Descriptor values into local variables Push JVM Scope Descriptor values onto the stack Jump to the desired program counter m2 compiler- independent state 2
Running thread: MainThread Frame Pointer: 0xSomeAddress Program Counter: 16 Local variables: L0(c) = 100; L1(y) = 1225; L2(i) = 50; Stack Expressions: S0 = 50; S1 = 100; JVM Scope Descriptor ldc 100 istore_0 ldc 1225 istore_1 ldc 50 istore_2 ldc 50 ldc 100 goto 16 0 iconst_ if_icmplt ireturn Specialized Bytecode 0 iconst_0 1 istore_1 2 iconst_0 3 istore_2 4 goto 14 7 iload_1 8 iload_2 9 iadd 10 istore_1 11 iinc iload_2 15 iload_0 16 if_icmplt 7 19 iload_1 20 ireturn Original Bytecode Transition Example
m2 stack PC frame m2 3 Transfer Execution to the New Code Compile m2 as a normal method System unfolds the stack frame of m1 Reschedule the thread to execute m2 By construction, executing specialized m2 sets up target stack frame and continues execution m2 stack PC frame m2 3
Suppose optimizer inlines A -> B -> C: A' stack PC frame A A JVM Scope Descriptor A JVM Scope Descriptor C JVM Scope Descriptor B C' B' stack PC frame m2 C' A' B' AA frame C' frame A' frame B' frame Recovering from Inlining
Inlining Example foo_prime() { <specialized foo prologue> call bar_prime() goto A;... bar(); A:... } bar_prime() { <specialized bar prologue> goto B:... B:... } void foo() { bar(); A:... } void bar() {... B:... } Wipe stack to caller C and call foo_prime frame A stack PC frame m2 foo' bar' C frame bar' frame foo' Suspend at B: in A -> B
Implementation Details Target Compiler unmodified, except for.... New pseudo-bytecodes Load literals (to avoid inserting new constants in constant pool) Load an address/bytecode index: JSR return address on stack Fix bytecode indices for GC maps, exception tables, line number tables
Pros and Cons Advantages mostly compiler-independent avoid multi-entry points of compiled code target compiler can exploit run-time constants Disadvantage must compile target method twice (once for transition, once for next invocation)
Outline Motivation OSR Mechanism Applications Experimental Results Conclusion
Two OSR Applications Promotion (see the paper for details) recompile a long-running activation Deferred Compilation don't compile uncommon paths saves compile-time x = 1; x = foo(); return x; if (foo is currently final) trap/OSR;
Deferred Compilation What's "infrequent"? static heuristics profile data Adaptive recompilation decision is modified to consider OSR factors Feng Qian: Class initialization is called by a class loader, when do we need OSR for it? Feng Qian: Class initialization is called by a class loader, when do we need OSR for it?
Outline Motivation OSR Mechanism Applications Experimental Results Conclusion
Online Experiments Eager : (by default) no deferred compilation OSR/static: deferred compilation for CHA-based inlining only OSR/edge counts: deferred compilation w/online profile data & CHA-based inlining
Adaptive System Performance better
Adaptive System Performance better
PromotionsInvalidations compress36 jess00 db01 javac010 mpegaudio01 mtrt05 jack01 total324 OSR Activities SPECjvm98 size 100 First Run
Outline Motivation OSR Mechanism Applications Experimental Results Conclusion
Summary A new On-stack replacement mechanism Online profile-directed deferred compilation Evaluation of OSR applications in JikesRVM
Conclusion Should a VM implement OSR? +Can be done with minimal intrusion to code base Modest gains from deferred compilation No benefit for class-hierarchy-based inlining +Debugging with dynamic de-optimization valuable TODO: More advanced speculative optimizations Implementation is available to public in JikesRVM under CPL: Linux/x86, Linux/PPC, and AIX/PPC
Backup Slides
Compile Rate Offline Profile
Compile Rate Offline Profile
Machine Code Size Offline Profile
Machine Code Size Offline Profile
Code Quality Offline Profile
Code Quality Offline Profile better
Jikes RVM Analytic Recompilation Model Define cur, current optimization level for method m T j, expected future execution time at level j C j, compilation cost at opt level j Choose j > cur that minimizes T j + C j If T j + C j < T cur recompile at level j Assumptions Method will execute for twice its current duration Compilation cost and speedup based on offline average Sample data determines how long a method has executed
Jikes RVM OSR Promotion Model Given: Outdated activation A of method m Define L, last optimization level for any compiled version of m cur, current optimization level for activation A T cur, expected future execution time of A at level cur C L, compilation cost for method m at opt level L T L, expected future execution time of A at level L If T L + C L < T cur specialize A at level L Assumption Outdated activation will execute for twice its current duration
Jikes RVM Recompilation Model, with Profile-Driven Deferred Compilation Define cur, current optimization level for method m T j, expected future execution time at level j C j, compilation cost at opt level j P, percentage of code in m that profile data indicates was reached Choose j > cur that minimizes T j + P*C j If T j + P*C j < T cur recompile at level j Assumptions Method will execute for twice its current duration Compilation cost and speedup based on offline average Sample data determines how long a method has executed
Offline Profile experiments Collect "perfect" profile data offline Mark any block never reached as "uncommon" Defer compilation of "uncommon" blocks Four configurations Ideal: deferred compilation trap keeps no state live Ideal-OSR: deferred compilation trap is valid OSR point Static-OSR: no profile data; defer compilation for CHA-based inlining; trap is valid OSR point Eager: (default) no deferred compilation
Compile Rate Offline Profile
Machine Code Size Offline Profile
Code Quality Offline Profile
OSR Challenges Engineering Complexity How to minimize disruption to VM code base? How to constrain optimizations? Policies for applying OSR How to make rational decisions for applying OSR? Effectiveness How does OSR improve/constrain dataflow optimizations? How effective are online OSR-based optimizations?
Recompilation Activities First Run O0O1O2totalO0O1O2total compress jess db javac mpegaudio mtrt jack total With OSR Without OSR
Summary of Study (1) Engineering Complexity How to minimize disruption to VM code base? °Compiler-independent specialized source code to manage transition transparently How to constrain optimizations? °Model OSR Points like CALLS in standard transformations Policies for applying OSR How to make rational decisions for applying OSR? °Simple modifications to cost-benefit analytic model
Summary of Study (2) Effectiveness (for an implementation of online profile-directed deferred compilation) How does OSR improve/constrain dataflow optimizations? °small ideal benefit from dataflow merges ( %) °negligible benefit when constraining optimization for potential invalidation °negligible benefit for just CHA-based inlining patch points + splitting + pre-existence good enough How effective are online OSR-based optimizations? °average performance improvement of 2.6% on first run SPECjvm98 s=100 °individual benchmarks range from +8% to -4% °negligible impact on steady state performance (best of 10 iterations) °adaptive recompilation model relatively insensitive, compiles 4% more methods
Experimental Details SPECjvm98, size 100 Jikes RVM FastAdaptiveSemispace configuration one virtual processor 500MB heap separate VM instance for each benchmark IBM RS/6000 Model F80 six 500 MHz PowerPC 630's AIX 4 GB memory
Specialized Code Generation Generate specialized m2 that sets up new stack frame and continues execution, preserving semantics. Express the transition to new stack frame in source code (bytecode) m2 compiler- independent state 2
Deferred Compilation Don't compile "infrequent" blocks x = 1; trap/OSR; return x; if (foo is currently final) x = 1; x = foo(); return x; if (foo is currently final)
Experimental Results Online profile-directed deferred compilation Evaluation How much do OSR points improve optimization by eliminating merges? How much do OSR points constrain optimization? How effective is online profile-directed deferred compilation?
Adaptive System Performance
Online Experiments Before optimizing, collect intraprocedural edge counters Defer compilation at blocks that profile data says not reached If deferred block reached Trigger OSR and deoptimize Invalidate compiled code Modify analytic recompilation model Promotion from baseline to optimized Compile-time cost estimate modified according to profile data