New Progresses of Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) Ailikun Congbin FU MAIRS IPO Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences AMY2008, 23-25April 2007, IAP, Beijing
What is MAIRS? “Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) is an IRS program under ESSP, MAIRS mainly focuses on the human- monsoon dynamics over the monsoon Asian region.”
Why monsoon Asia? Dominated by monsoon climate Unbalanced water resource distribution and Rich in ecosystems Increasing temperature in recent decades Large-scale landscape change due to climate change and human activity Increasing emission of greenhouse gases and aerosols Over pumping of ground water and declining water quality Decreasing ecosystem service goods and declining of biodiversity
Vision of MAIRS “To significantly advance understanding of the interactions between the human-natural components of the overall environment in the monsoon Asian region, and implications for the global earth system, in order to support strategies for sustainable development.”
Major achievements 2006 Tokyo Bay Scientific Steering Committee installed International Program Office formally opened in Beijing MAIRS accepted as the first IRS of ESSP International workshop ‘Mountain Zone’ held Initial Science Plan published
Scientific Highlights Crucial cross-cutting issues related to natural resources in water, energy, food security, biodiversity, air quality and in disasters. MAIRS integrates research on these issues in four geographic Zones in Asia: the Coastal Zone the Mountain Zone the Semi arid Zone the Urban Zone
Coastal Zone Urban ZoneSemi-arid Zone Mountain Zone
Key points of the Themes Urban Zones Changes in resources use and emission due to rapid urbanization Coastal Zones Rapid transformation of land and marine resources Semi-arid Zones Vulnerability of ecosystem due to changing climate and land use Mountain Zones Multiple stresses on ecosystem and biophysical resources
Hotspots study for MAIRS 1, The impacts of climate variation and human perturbation over the semi-arid region 2, Industrial emission and hydrological cycle in expending mega-cities in monsoon Asia 3, global warming and its impacts in Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau region
Hotspot Study 1: Semi-arid region Semi-arid China Koppan climate classification Semi-arid China
Why Semi-arid Study? Water resources and ecosystem service goods are crucial to the people living in semi-arid regions Semi-arid regions are sensitive to climate variation and human perturbations Semi-arid together with arid areas in monsoon Asia are the major sources of dust aerosol Land degradation in semi-arid India Land degradation in semi-arid China
China Global drying trend over last 30 years(Dai, 2004) Changes of dry areas
Asian Dust Storm April 7, Apr, 2006 inner Mongolia16Apr, 2006, Beijing 18Apr, 2006, Tokyo
Two CEOP reference sites over semi-arid China mm Tongyu Lanzhou La t: 35.32N, Lon: E Precip: mm Elev: m on China-loess plateau Tongyu 44.42N, E Elev: 184 m Precip: 404 mm
New initiative of observation network over arid and semi- arid regions of China (with CERN/CAS, CEOP, MOST, MAHASRI, CMA,
Research Agenda Interactions among global warming, monsoon variability and aridity land surface-atmosphere processes over semi-arid region Dust aerosols, the hydrological cycle and regional climate
Required field observations Surface Fluxes Atmospheric aerosols, particularly dust aerosols land cover/use information; Biological component
Satellite Data Requirements Data from various sensors, such as MODIS onboard NASA’s Terra platform and VEGETATION onboard SPOT. Other sources of operational stationary and polar-orbit satellites, such as China Fengyu series, would also be explored.
Model Requirements The global model outputs will be used to drive the regional environmental system model to understand the physical, chemical and biological processes interactions in the semi-arid regions, including: dust aerosol generation and transfer; the climate effects of dust aerosols and land use changes due to human activities, etc.
Hotspot study 2: Mega-cities over Yangtze River Delta Region Semi-arid China Shanghai, China Bangkok, Thailand Tokyo, Japan Bombay, India Urban air quality
Yangtze River Delta Region (YRD) in China YRD is a typical monsoon area, it occupies 1% of Chinese land area,6.9% of China’s population (total 1.3 billion). 21% of GDP in China is from YRD in Average economic growth rate is about 9.4% in recent 25 years. YRD is also one of the most polluted areas in China Satellite image of Yangtze River delta region
Aerosol Monsoon system Human Development Industrialization, Urbanization, enhanced, agriculture Environmental impact Agriculture, air quality, human health, Water sources, extreme climatic event, biodiversity Emission Direct and indirect effect Transport and deposition Social Science Natural Science Framework of Integrated Aerosol Study in MAIRS Adaptation ( policy, law, institution )
Theme 1 Interaction between aerosols and monsoon system –Physical, chemical, optical and radiative properties of aerosols –Formation, transport, and deposition of aerosols –Interaction of aerosol and cloud –The effects of aerosols on monsoon circulation and precipitation Theme 2 Impact of aerosols on local environment –Impact on air quality and visibility reduction –Impact on agriculture yield –Impact on human health –Impact on extremely climatic events Theme 3 Human adaptation and control measures –Human adaptation –Control policy and measures –Earth System Modeling Scientific themes
The impacts of Anthropogenic aerosol emission to the monsoon circulation and precipitation regime in Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region How does the monsoon climate influence the distribution and transportation of aerosol in YRD region? Research Agenda
Observation Network over Yangtze River Delta Region
Required observations Physical, chemical, optical and radiative properties of aerosols Emission inventory of key aerosol species and their precursors in YRD Atmosphere chemical components Remote sensing (satellite and aircraft) Meteorological/environmental records Social-economic parameters in Yangtze river delta region
Research base Aircraft measurement Y-12: made by China From Prof. Wang W.
Dilution system for vehicle sources sampling From Prof. Wang W.
Chamber with FEP TEFLON wall
MODIS AOD - China in 2002 From Dr. Li C.C. Research base – remote sensing
Research base - modelling Radiative forcing of Black carbon in China From Dr. Wu J.
MAIRS Important events in 2007 Tokyo Bay MAIRS international workshop on semi-arid study (with CEOP, Lanzhou University, NSFC, MOST,CAS, 9-13Aug, 2007, Lanzhou). Key topics of this meeting: 1, land surface-atmosphere interaction 2, Dust aerosol effect on hydrological cycle (local and regional) 3, climate change monitoring in semi-arid region
MAIRS Important events in 2007 Tokyo Bay MAIRS international workshop on Anthropogenic climate change in Monsoon Asia (with MAHASRI/WCRP, AAMP/WCRP, NASA in November 2007). Key topics of this meeting: 1, global warming impacts in monsoon Asian region 2, land surface change and monsoon climate 3, aerosol emission and hydrological cycle
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