Which PC should I buy? By Pacifico Bautista and Manuel Gallardo
Research, Research, Research! Shopping around is essential for getting a good deal. Not only that but you have to know what your talking about for example if an advertisement in the paper says 333A celeron with 64mb ram 6.4 Gb hard disk and 8mg video card, you have to know what each term means or you’ll be at the mercy of the guy selling you the computer. Having a friend who knows computers is handy here.
Different Computers It’s Your Choice There are three types of computers: clones, brand PC and Apple computers. All of them having their advantages and disadvantages. I will now go into each one with further detail.
Clones n Clones are computers built using standard components. These computers hold much of the computer market. n Being the cheapest of all and can be assembled from a wide range of manufacturer specific parts. n Compatible with almost everything. n Vary in quality depending on who you buy it from. n They are the most user friendly.
Brand PC’s n Made by IBM,Compaq, Hewlett Packard etc. n Incorporates standard components and parts only available from the assembler. n They are good quality but are very expensive.
Macintosh n Made by Apple computers. n They have their own operating system, software, peripherals and are now upgradeable. n The first PC’s aimed at the consumer market.
Conclusion n For the beginner Mac’s are more preferable but they are fairly expensive. So serious consideration must be taken upon buying a computer.