UNESCO Desire – Net project Practical example of broadband project NetLesson International Multimedia web site & e-Learning Platform Flavio Fontana Enea – Usability Laboratory (CAMO) Venice, th April
UNESCO Desire – Net project web site web site HOME PAGE
UNESCO Desire – Net Project Official Internet address:
Web site structure Web site structure Project description of the Desire-Net project; Project description of the Desire-Net project; Calendar internet synchronous lessons (Video Lesson Guide); Calendar internet synchronous lessons (Video Lesson Guide); Contacts persons of the Desire-Net organization; Contacts persons of the Desire-Net organization; Users list of the end-users (organizations and countries ). Users list of the end-users (organizations and countries ).
Web site Modules Web site Modules Net Lessonmanages synchronous lessons; Net Lessonmanages synchronous lessons; e-Learning manages asynchronous courses and their MDS; e-Learning manages asynchronous courses and their MDS; Multimedia (DB) manages video repository (interviews, etc.); Multimedia (DB) manages video repository (interviews, etc.); News (DB) manages the news collection; News (DB) manages the news collection; Newsletter manages the dissemination of news and brief articles by ; Newsletter manages the dissemination of news and brief articles by ; Services Network services for the end-users. Services Network services for the end-users.
NetLesson Functionality NetLesson Functionality NetLesson manages lesson, video, presentation in power-point format and the docent information. The system visualizes the questions, inserted by the student, towards the docent.NetLesson manages lesson, video, presentation in power-point format and the docent information. The system visualizes the questions, inserted by the student, towards the docent. For each lesson the system shows date, time, title of the lesson and the teacher’s name. In some case is possible to insert a short summary of the lesson contents.For each lesson the system shows date, time, title of the lesson and the teacher’s name. In some case is possible to insert a short summary of the lesson contents. The NetLesson has a search function to find lesson by title and date or name of the docent;The NetLesson has a search function to find lesson by title and date or name of the docent; A “Welcome” page introduces, the lesson of the day, to the user;A “Welcome” page introduces, the lesson of the day, to the user; The system lists the lessons ordered by date;The system lists the lessons ordered by date;
NetLesson Interface NetLesson Interface NetLesson Interface is structured in three areas, they are:NetLesson Interface is structured in three areas, they are: Video;Video; Presentation;Presentation; Questions area.Questions area. The system presents in the same view also the list of the lessons where the user can select the synchronous lesson.The system presents in the same view also the list of the lessons where the user can select the synchronous lesson.
User interface 2 Left Frame Right Frame
User interface 3 Presentation Area Navigation Bottons Video Area Question Area
User interface 7 Control panel for the slides
User interface 8 Video & slide Control panel Always on top the screen
NetLesson Interface Slide Area Video Area Question Area Video Lesson Guide
NetLesson - Dynamic Interface Video Mini Size Video Large Size
NetLesson Registration Procedure NetLesson Registration Procedure (For new user only) 1. The Users have to compile a pre-registration form with their personal data to access the system; (ENEA will send by the form to the participants); 2. The ENEA staff registers the Users data on NetLesson with the users information received; 3. After the registration, NetLesson sends the UserID and Password to the users; 4. The users profile is activated; 5. The users can do login to the system.
Hardware & Software Requirements HARDWAREHARDWARE PC – Pentium 4 PC – Pentium 4 RAM 512 Mb, HD Standard RAM 512 Mb, HD Standard Video Card SVGA Video Diplay 15” – 17” Resolution: Min. 800x600, optimal 1025x768 or superior Video Card SVGA Video Diplay 15” – 17” Resolution: Min. 800x600, optimal 1025x768 or superior SOFTWARESOFTWARE O.S. Windows 98/200x/XP; O.S. Windows 98/200x/XP; Free Real Player ( autom. download Free Real Player ( autom. download I.E. Browser, FireFox Mozzilla, Safari, ect. I.E. Browser, FireFox Mozzilla, Safari, ect.
Network Connection NetLesson speed rate 150 Kbps or sup.NetLesson speed rate 150 Kbps or sup. InternetInternet ADSL Kbps ADSL Kbps H-ADSL 1, 2, 4 Mbps H-ADSL 1, 2, 4 Mbps Real PlayerReal Player DSL 256, 384, 512, 768 Kbps DSL 256, 384, 512, 768 Kbps T Kbps T Kbps LAN 10 Mbps or sup. LAN 10 Mbps or sup.
NetLesson Channel Greenwich Mean Time – GMT th and 17th May Channel09.00 – am am10.00 – am am NETLESSON 1 Lesson 1Question Time 1Lesson 2Question Time 2 NETLESSON 2 Lesson 1Question Time 1Lesson 2Question Time 2
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