HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 11 HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Review in slides Mongolia
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Content Basic socio-demographic indicators HIV prevalence and epidemiological status ( ) Vulnerability and HIV knowledge ( ) Risk behaviors ( ) Economics of AIDS ( ) National Response ( ) 2
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Basic socio-demographic indicators Total population (thousands)2,629 (2007) [1] Annual population growth rate1.2% ( ) [1] Population aged (thousands)1,602 (2007) [1] Percentage of population in urban areas57% (2007) [1] Crude birth rate (births per 1,000 population)18.5 (2007) [1] Under-5 mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)42 (2006) [2] Human Development Index (HDI)–Rank/Value114/0.700 (2005) [3] Life expectancy at birth (years)66 (2006) [2] Adult literacy rate97 (2006) [4] Ratio of girls to boys in primary and secondary education (%)108 (2006) [5] GDP per capita (PPP, $US)2,107 (2005) [3] Per capita total health expenditure (Int.$)113 (2005) [2] 3 Sources: [1] 2007 UN Population Division cited in WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF, Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS: Mongolia, July 2008 [2] World Health Statistics 2008, cited in WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF, Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS: Mongolia, July [3] UNDP, Human Development Report, 2007/2008 [4] UNESCO 2006, cited in WHO, UNAIDS and UNICEF, Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV and AIDS: Mongolia, July 2008 [5] World Development Indicators database. September 2008; Data refers to the percentage of girls to boys enrolled at primary and secondary levels in public and private schools. UNESCO Institute for Statistics
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 4 HIV prevalence and epidemiological status
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific HIV prevalence among key populations at higher risk, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Preliminary data, SGSS,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 6 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_SGS 2007 and 2009 cited in Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Report, HIV prevalence among MSM by age group, 2007 and 2009
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Number of reported HIV and AIDS cases, October 7 AIDS cases Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia country presentation _East Asia and Pacific Regional Office HIV & AIDS Chiefs and Specialists’ Meeting, th November 2009,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 8 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Report, % distribution of cumulative reported HIV cases by age group and gender, 2009
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 9 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Report, % distribution of cumulative reported HIV cases by mode of transmission, 2009
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 10 Reported number of HIV cases, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Report,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % distribution of males and females living with HIV, Source: Prepared by based on Department of AIDS/STI surveillance, NCCD cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Age distribution and marital status of people living with HIV, Source: Prepared by based on Department of AIDS/STI surveillance, NCCD cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia, Total number of PLHIV =46
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Level of education and employment status of PLHIV, Source: Prepared by based on Department of AIDS/STI surveillance, NCCD cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia, Total number of PLHIV =46
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Trends of Syphilis prevalence among sentinel populations, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Report,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Trends of STI incidence per 10,000 population, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Report,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Trends of Syphilis prevalence among selected general populations, Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 17 HIV prevalence (%), Year Female Sex Workers Pregnant women STI patientsTB patients Source: Prepared by based on WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS. Epidemiological Fact Sheets on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2006
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 18 Vulnerability and HIV knowledge
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of populations at higher risk who have comprehensive HIV knowledge, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Report,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of selected populations at higher risk who have comprehensive HIV knowledge, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005, 2007 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of FSWs and MSM who correctly identified the ways of HIV prevention, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of young people (15-24) who have comprehensive HIV knowledge by age group and gender, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Report,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of young men and women (15-24) who have comprehensive HIV knowledge, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005, 2007 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of young people (15-24) who correctly identified the ways of HIV prevention, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of mobile men who could correctly answer about the ways of HIV prevention, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 26 % of women (15-49) who have heard HIV/AIDS, 2000 and Age (%) Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia National Statistical Office and UNICEF. Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women, Findings from the Mongolia Child and Development Survey, 2000 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 27 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia National Statistical Office and UNICEF. Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women, Findings from the Mongolia Child and Development Survey, 2000 and (%) Age Wealth quintile % of women (15-49) who know all three ways of HIV transmission, 2000 and 2005 Note: Three ways: having one faithful uninfected sex partner; using a condom every time and abstaining from sex
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 28 % of women (15-49) who know three ways of mother to child HIV transmission, 2000 and 2005 Three ways: during pregnancy, at delivery and through breast milk. (%) Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia National Statistical Office and UNICEF. Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women, Findings from the Mongolia Child and Development Survey, 2000 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 29 % of women (15-49) who know a place to get HIV tested, 2000 and lowest second middle fourth highest AgeWealth quintile (%) Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia National Statistical Office and UNICEF. Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women, Findings from the Mongolia Child and Development Survey, 2000 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 30 % of women (15-49) who say that a person with AIDS should be allowed to continue working, 2000 and 2005 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia National Statistical Office and UNICEF. Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women, Findings from the Mongolia Child and Development Survey, 2000 and (%) AgeWealth quintile
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 31 Risk behaviours
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of condom use at last sex among selected key populations at higher risk, Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS_Report on global AIDS epidemic 2008 and Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 33 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005, 2007 and % of key populations at higher risk who reported consistent condom use in the past 12 months,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of sex workers who reported condom use at last sex with different types of sexual partners, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Consistent condom use among sex workers with different types of sexual partners, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Selected sexual behaviors of MSMs, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 37 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005, 2007 and % of selected vulnerable populations who had multiple sex partners in last 12 months,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of selected vulnerable populations who reported consistent condom use with non-commercial, non regular partners in the past 12 months, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005, 2007 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Status of condom use among mobile men with different types of sexual partners, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Status of condom use among male STI clients with different types of sexual partners in the past 12 months, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Percentage of condom use among young people (15-24) at their first sexual encounter, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Condom use at last sexual act among young people (15-24) with particular types of sexual partners, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of young people (15-24) who reported consistent condom use with selected sexual partners in the past 12 months, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005, 2007 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 44 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005, 2007 and % of young men and women who had sex before the age of 15,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 45 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005, 2007 and % of young men and women (15 -24) who had multiple sexual partners in the past 12 months,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Selected risky sexual behaviors of young people (15-24) in the past 12 months, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 47 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005, 2007 and % of young men and women (15 – 24) who ever injected drugs,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 48 % of MSM who reported the use of a condom, 2005 (%) Source: UNGASS Indicators Country Report, Mongolia, All<2525+ Age
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 49 % of population (15-24) who had sex with a non-marital, non- cohabitation partner in the last 12 months, 2005 (%) MaleFemaleMaleFemalMaleFemal RuralUrbanTotal Source: Prepared by based on UNGASS Indicators Country Report, Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 50 % of population (15-24) who have had sexual intercourse before the age of 15, 2005 Source: Prepared by based on Second Generation HIV Sentinel Surveillance Survey, 2005, Mongolia. Cited from UNGASS Country Progress Report, Mongolia, Reporting period: January 2006-December RuralUrbanTotal Male Female (%)
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 51 % of population (15-24) who reported the use of a condom with non-regular partners, MaleFemaleMaleFemaleMaleFemale RuralUrbanTotal (%) Source: Prepared by based on UNGASS Indicators Country Report, Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 52 Economics of AIDS
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 53 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Reports, 2008 and Amount of domestic AIDS spending,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 54 Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Report, Percent distribution of total AIDS spending by sources, 2008 and 2009
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of AIDS spending by category, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Reports, 2008 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Financial Resources for HIV and STI interventions, Source: Prepared by based on GFATM round 7 proposal and UNGASS 2008 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 57 Main funding sources in Mongolia, Source: Prepared by based on Country consultation on scaling up toward universal access. ,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000, DomesticExternal (US$) Year Note: External sources include from the Global Fund, UN agencies, UNAIDS, Alliance and GTZ)
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 58 Resources available and resources need in Mongolia, Source: Prepared by based on Country consultation on scaling up toward universal access. 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000, Resources availableResources Need (US$) Year
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 59 National response
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of selected populations at higher risk reached with HIV prevention programs by age group, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Report,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of selected populations at higher risk reached with HIV prevention programs by age group, 2005 Vs Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Reports, 2006 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of selected populations at higher risk ever exposed to HIV prevention interventions, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of young people ever exposed to HIV and STI interventions, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific VCT centers by province and by type of service provider, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia country presentation _East Asia and Pacific Regional Office HIV & AIDS Chiefs and Specialists’ Meeting, 17 th -20 th November 2009,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of populations at higher risk who received HIV test in the past 12 months and knew the results by age group, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Report,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of selected populations at higher risk who ever had an HIV test and knew the results, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_Second Generation HIV/STI Surveillance Reports, 2005 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of young people (15-24) ever tested for HIV and knew the result, 2005 and Source: Prepared by based on Second generation sentinel surveillance 2005 & 2007 cited in Comprehensive review of the national response to HIV and STIs in Mongolia,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 68 % of women (15-49) who had been tested for HIV, 2000 vs Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia National Statistical Office and UNICEF. Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women, Findings from the Mongolia Child and Development Survey, 2000 and
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 69 % of pregnant women with access to antenatal care, LowestSecond lowest MiddleFourthHighestRuralUrban Wealth quintileResidence Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia National Statistical Office and UNICEF. Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women, Findings from the Mongolia Child and Development Survey, (%)
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 70 % of pregnant women tested for HIV and knew the result of HIV test at ANC visit, LowestSecond lowest MiddleFourthHighestRuralUrban Wealth quintileResidence Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia National Statistical Office and UNICEF. Monitoring the Situation of Children and Women, Findings from the Mongolia Child and Development Survey, (%)
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific Status of PMTCT uptake and vertical transmission, 2008 and Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Report 2010 and WHO, UNAIDS, UNICEF_Towards Universal Access, Scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in health sector, Progress Report,
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific % of adults and children with advanced HIV infection who received antiretroviral therapy, Source: Prepared by based on Mongolia_UNGASS Country Progress Report
HIV and AIDS Data Hub for Asia-Pacific 73 THANK YOU slides compiled by Data shown in this slide set are comprehensive to the extent they are available from country reports. Please inform us if you know of sources where more recent data can be used. Please acknowledge if slides are lifted directly from this