A Sensor-Assisted Self-Authentication for Hardware Trojan Detection Min Li*, Azadeh Davoodi*, Mohammad Tehranipoor** * University of Wisconsin-Madison **University of Connecticut WISCAD Electronic Design Automation Lab
2 Challenges of Hardware Trojan Detection Challenges: –lack of observability and controllability after fabrication –complexity due to existence of billions of nano-scale components due to high volume of soft and hard integrated IP cores –overhead associated with physical inspection of nanometer feature sizes for reverse engineering could be intrusive –difficulty to activate a Trojan –increasing fabrication and environmental variations with technology scaling
3 Fundamental Challenge Trojan-free or Golden IC (GIC) –required in any (generic) IC authentication process create a reference fingerprint from the transient behavior of GIC and compare with fingerprint obtained from target IC –existence and identification of GIC cannot be guaranteed if inserted in GDSII file, or if the foundry alters the mask to insert a Trojan, GIC will not exist if an IC passes a rigorous test, in theory one cannot conclude that it is a GIC
4 Contributions A framework to use custom-designed on-chip detection sensors to alleviate the need on a golden IC by providing a self-authentication On-chip “detection sensor” –a compact (small area) representation of a design can be designed by searching for common “features” in a design –shares common sources of uncertainty with the design due to realization on the same chip e.g., process and environmental variations Assumptions –Trojan may infect the design paths, the detection sensor, or both –the detection sensor is obfuscated within the design’s layout i.e., an adversary will not be able to distinguish it
5 Proposed Framework Design and integration of custom-generated detection sensors capturing within-die variability Design stage On-chip delay fingerprint of detection sensors On-chip delay fingerprint of arbitrary design paths PASS ? Alert Trojan Offline analysis of fingerprint correlation NO Post-silicon self-authentication process
6 Design stage Post-Silicon detection sensor: a compact representative of the design measured on-chip delays of design paths and of detection sensors analyze correlation -- Finds most frequent “layout features” which are design-dependent and technology-sensitive -- Main Idea: Addition of Trojan disturbs the expected delay correlation between the design and the detection sensor detect Trojan
7 Design of the Detection Sensor Steps –logic design via netlist analysis 1.sequence matching 2.feature discovery –physical design of sensors layout integration delay measurement
8 Design of A Detection Sensor An optimization framework for finding frequent sequences in a netlist* –modeled using a graph representation of the design’s netlist –break (all or some portions) of the graph into collection of “similar” sequences –similar sequences grouped together and represented by one sensor –given a budget for total area used by the detection sensors, the goal is to maximize coverage of graph with formed sequences *Li and Davoodi, “Custom On-Chip Sensors for Post-Silicon Failing Path Isolation in the Presence of Process Variations”, Technical Report, 2011
9 Design of the Detection Sensor Constraints: 1.sequence constraints a sequence is made of consecutive edges 2.similarity constraints “similar” sequences are mapped to the same sensor similarity defined based on delay correlation in the presence of uncertainties such as process variations 3.area constraint summation of the areas of detection sensors are bounded original netlist extended graph after modification simplified version for illustration
10 Variation-Aware Delay Modeling [Agarwal et al, ASPDAC’03] a c ba
11 Design of A Detection Sensor Benefits of the formulation –flexible definition of similarity between sequences mapped to the same sensor, for example similar sequences could be: –structually identical (e.g., same sequence of logic gates) –have the same timing distribution –highly correlated in their timing characteristic –in general can define similarity with respect to sensitivity to technology parameters –flexible objective if edge weights are equal, objective is maximizing netlist coverage can modify to also ensure spatial coverage from different regions of the chip
12 Design Post-Silicon detection sensor: a compact representative of the design measured on-chip delays of design paths and of detection sensors analyze correlation detect Trojan -- e.g., BIST technology -- First check BIST is healthy (e.g., by verifying delays of embedded ring oscillators)
13 Examples –Path-RO [Tehranipoor et al ICCAD08] requires inserting measurement circuitry at the pre-silicon stage along the desired representative paths –Shrinking clock signal [Abraham et al GLSVLSI 2010] On-Chip Path Delay Measurement
14 Design Post-Silicon detection sensor: a compact representative of the design measured on-chip delays of design paths and of detection sensors analyze correlation detect Trojan -- Detection scenarios: Trojan may be added to the design, the detection sensor, or both -- The timing correlation between the design and its detection sensors will be different in the presence of a Trojan
15 Detection Scenarios 1.Trojan inserted in the design paths –actual delay range: obtained from direct path delay measurement considering measurement error –predicted delay range: computed using actual sensor delay and predicting the remainder of the path using worst/base-case values Trojan-infected path used for actual delay range path used for predicted delay range sensor matched case-based estimate sensor
16 Detection Scenarios 1.Trojan inserted in the design paths –underestimation of path delays that are Trojan infected –detects Trojan if predicted delay range does not overlap with the measured range sensor
17 Detection Scenarios 2.Trojan inserted in the detection sensor –actual delay range: obtained from direct path delay measurement considering measurement error correct range –predicted delay range: computed using Trojan-infected sensor delay and predicting the remainder of the path using worst/base- case values path used for actual delay range path used for predicted delay range sensor matched case-based estimate sensor
18 Detection Scenarios 2.Trojan inserted in the detection sensor –overestimation of the predicted range of the design paths –correctly detects existence of Trojan if the two ranges don’t overlap –can identify that detection sensor is infected sensor
19 Detection Scenarios 3.Trojan inserted simultaneously in the design and detection sensor –actual and predicted ranges both erroneous –depending on how the Trojan impact each one, different cases can happen sensor path used for actual delay range path used for predicted delay range
20 Detection Scenarios 3.Trojan inserted simultaneously in the design and detection sensor –can only predict that Trojan exists if the predicted and measured ranges do not overlap, otherwise it doesn’t generate any output sensor
21 Simulation Setup Randomly selected a subset of critical design paths from the ISCAS89 suite For each considered path –inserted a Trojan at a random location on the path –sensor area budget is 15% –repeated many times for varying Trojan delays 3 to 10% of the delay of the longest path in the circuit (30 different values uniformly selected from the range) –assumed on-chip measurement error of 3% for measuring the delays of the infected paths –variation modeling assumed process variations in channel length and threshold voltage of transistors according to variation setting for 45nm technology and a 5-level spatial correlation model considered 10K scenarios of variations
22 Trojan Inserted in Design sensor and path informationDR (Trojan in design) Bench|P|%A sensor MRW/O sensorsSensor-assisted s s s s s s s s s s MR: fraction of the paths which are matched with at least one sensor DR: detection ratio
23 Trojan Insertion in Detection Sensor sensor and path informationDR (Trojan in design) Bench|P|%A sensor MRW/O sensorsSensor-assisted s s s s s s s s s s MR: fraction of the paths which are matched with at least one sensor DR: detection ratio
24 Trojan Detection Rate in s13207 % Trojan delay/delay of longest path detection rate
25 Conclusions Benefits of the detection framework –alleviates the need on a GIC –does not output a wrong answer –detection at a finer granularity –faster detection of Trojan –captures both layout-dependency and technology-dependency Limitations –spatial correlation modeling –path delay measurement accuracy –layout integration