1 st International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2002) Sardinia, Italy, June 2002
Sponsors Patrons –OntoWeb –DAML –IST Platinum –Network Inference –OnToKnowledge –ibrow Gold –Ontoprise –INTAP –France Telecom R&D –WonderWeb Silver –CognIT a.s –Sandpiper Software –Nokia
Conference Organizaton General Chair : Jim Hendler Program Chair : Ian Horrocks Organisation Chair : Michele Missikoff Financial Chair : Jérôme Euzenat Sponsorship Chairs :Ying Ding, Deb McGuinness Local Coordination : Nicoletta Dessí
Topics Agents Applications Bootstrapping Database technologies Integration, mediation and storage Digital libraries e-business e-learning e-science and the Grid Knowledge portals Knowledge representation and reasoning Languages and infrastructure Metadata Mobile and diffuse computing Multimedia data Natural language Ontologies Ontology learning Scalability Searching and querying Services Socio-cultural and collaborative aspects Technological requirements Trust and meaning User interfaces Visualisation and modelling Web mining
Technical Program 133 papers submitted –95 research papers –22 position papers –16 system description papers 40 papers accepted –27 research papers –6 position papers –7 system description papers 56 posters accepted Best paper prize (sponsored by Springer)
Submissions by Nationality Australia 8 Austria 3 Belgium 1 Canada 2 China 5 Czech Republic 2 France 8 Germany 14 Greece 2 India 1 Ireland 1 Italy 9 Japan 5 Korea 3 Netherlands 10 Portugal 1 Sardinia 1 Slovak Republic 1 Spain 5 Sweden 1 Switzerland 3 Thailand 1 UK 19 USA 26
Submissions by Nationality Australia 8 Austria 3 (1) Belgium 1 Canada 2 (1) China 5 Czech Republic 2 France 8 (2) Germany 14 (6) Greece 2 (1) India 1 Ireland 1 Italy 9 (3) Japan 5 Korea 3 Netherlands 10 (4) Portugal 1 Sardinia 1 Slovak Republic 1 Spain 5 Sweden 1 Switzerland 3 (1) Thailand 1 UK 19 (7) USA 26 (14)
Program Committee Members (48) USA Germany Italy UK Greece Netherlands Australia France Spain Japan Switzerland Belgium Plus 37 Additional Referees Best reviewer prize
Thanks To Asunción Gómez-Pérez for organising the tutorials Raphael Malyankar for organising the poster session Steffen Staab for organising the metadata markup of abstracts Invited speakers and panelists All of you for attending Michele & Dieter for bringing us to such a lovely place Shame about the weather!
Jérôme Euzenat for organising just about everything else, including finances, web site, etc. Local organisers, in particular Nicoletta Dessí, Consult Umbria and student volunteers All the sponsors for their support Deborah McGuinness and Ying Ding for persuading so many sponsors to part with their cash!