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Career Trivia Game Knowledge of a foreign Language might help you in what occupations? –A. Archaeologist, diplomatic officer –B. Architect, graphic designer –C. Nuclear engineer, park ranger, film maker –D. All of the above –50 points –D–D
What jobs might be available for political science majors? –A. Diplomat, military –B. Biologist, geographer –C. Financial Analyst, teacher, assistant buyer –D. A and C –50 points –D–D
In which occupations are mechanical skills useful? –A. Automobile mechanic, jeweler –B. Animal Trainer, horticulturist –C. Graphic Design, purchasing agent –D. A and B –10 points –A–A
Which of the following are examples of medical technicians jobs? –A. Robot tech, energy conservation tech –B. EEG tech, cardiovascular tech –C. Chemical tech, textile tech –10 points –B–B
What Country allows you to nap in the middle of the workday? –A. France –B. Spain –C. China –D. New Zealand –25 points –B–B
What’s the difference between an internship and an apprenticeship? –A. Internships are paid and apprenticeships are not –B. Both internships and apprenticeships include classroom instruction –C. Apprenticeships include on the job instruction, internships do not –D. No difference –25 points –C–C
What should I study to become a financial planner? –A. Marketing, real estate –B. Economics, business –C. Sales, public relations –D. None of the above –25 points –B–B
I want to be a weather person on the tv,what should I study? –A. Meteorology –B. Broadcast studies –C. Oceanography –25 points –A and B
Which job typically has the highest starting salary? –A. Psychologist –B. Historian –C. Plumber –25 points –C–C
Which job typically has the highest average salary? –A. Psychologist –B. Historian –C. Plumber –25 points –A–A
Which US service program places graduates in jobs in developing countries? –A. AmeriCorps –B. Red Cross –C. Peace Corps –D. Diplomatic Corps –10 points –C–C
Which country has the largest movie industry? –A. US –B. France –C. India –D. Japan –50 points –C–C
What is the most common major among first year students? –A. Liberal Arts –B. Engineering –C. Business –D. Undeclared –25 points –C–C
If you like sales, which of the following might be good majors for you? –A. Administrative support, court reporter –B. Advertising, public relations –C. Operations management, economics –D. All of the above –25 points –C–C
Which occupations are most likely to take work home to do? –A. Psychologists and sales managers –B. Database and employee benefits managers –C. Teachers and lawyers –D. Architects and engineers –25 points –C–C
Homework Myers Briggs must be taken by the 8 th !!!! Career Genogram due 2/11 Ideas about speakers due 2/11