Bell Ringer After taking some of the citizenship test, do you think you could pass and become a citizen? Explain how you felt taking the test.
Citizenship Test Asked 10 of 100 questions – must get 6 out of 10 correct to pass 10 step naturalization process: – 1. Determine if you were already a U.S. citizen. – 2. Determine eligibility to become a citizen. – 3. Prepare form. – 4. Submit form. – 5. Fingerprint and background check. – 6. Complete interview. – 7. Receive decision – or denied. – 8. Receive notice to take Oath of Allegiance. – 9. Take Oath of Allegiance. – 10. Understand citizenship. Can you be an American citizen?
Bell Ringer READ ME!!!! 1.Please grab check out a laptop from the cart 2.Make sure to sign your name at the number you took 3.Get out your C.A.P. packets from the class before
Pair-Share 1. What are 5 ways the government regulates our behavior? 1. What are 5 ways the government regulates our behavior? 2. Does the American government play a big or small role in the lives of its citizens? 3. How much of a role should the government play? 4. What types of activities should it have a role in, and what things should be left up to the citizens? 5. In what ways are we asked to contribute or participate in our government? 6. What can we do to influence or change the government?
Bell Ringer From what we talked about last time… What did you notice about the governments involvement in your daily life? (Explain your feelings when were going through that activity)
GovernmentGovernment – Institution through which society makes and enforces public policy – Made up of people who exercise powers and have authority over people Public policyPublic policy – Things government decides to do – Taxation, defense, education, crime, health care, transportation, environment, civil rights, working conditions, etc. “If men were angels no government would be necessary.” – James Madison
Basic government powers Legislative makes laws and frames public policyExecutive executes, enforces, and administers lawsJudicial interprets laws and settles disputes
State A body of people living in a defined territory, organized politically with the power to make and enforce laws Dominant political unit in the world today (~190) In popular usage, a state is often called a nation or a country.
Four characteristics of the stateFour characteristics of the state – 1. Population – 2. Territory – 3. Sovereignty Supreme and absolute power within its own territory – 4. Government
Bell Ringer 1. List the four characteristics of a state 2. Which of these locations would be considered a state? Why? New Zealand Canyon County Guam New Mexico
Theories on Origins of the State Read your assigned theory on the origins of the state with your group.Read your assigned theory on the origins of the state with your group. –Textbook pgs. 7-8 Define and describe in your foldableDefine and describe in your foldable Come up with a skit where ALL members must participateCome up with a skit where ALL members must participate Requirements:Requirements: –Accurate, appealing, & awesome! –Best skit (according to Mr McCrady) gets a PRIZE (woooooohooo!)
Bell Ringer Of the 4 theories on the Origins of the State, which do you believe to be most accurate? Why?
Origins of the State Evolutionary Theory States evolved from family units Families grew into large extended units or tribes Heads of families served as a government Evolved into tribal councils with a hierarchy of authority
Origins of the State Force Theory Governments emerged when people were brought under the control of a powerful authority One group conquers another and forces it to submit
Origins of the State Divine Right Theory Belief that kings were chosen by a deity to rule the state 15 th c. Europe – Used by royalty to justify absolute rule
Origins of the State Social Contract Theory 17 th c. & Age of Enlightenment – People challenge monarchy and idea of Divine Right State arose out of a voluntary act of free people in a state of nature “Contract” in which people give up a degree of freedom in exchange for security
Origins of the State Social Contract Theory
Exit Ticket Explain what you think this statement means in relation to government: “To be free, one must be chained.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement, why?
Exit Ticket What are the four theories on the origins of the state? List them and write one word (not in the theory) that will help you remember!
Purposes of Government “We the People of the United States, in Order to: 1.form a more perfect union, 2.establish justice, domestic Tranquility, 4.provide for the common defense, 5.Promoted the general Welfare, and the Blessings of Liberty…” Turn to page 8 in your AG textbook. For each part of the preamble, write WHY it was necessary and HOW the government put it into practice.