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Whether you've known Him all of your life or have only just become acquainted with Him, the need to hear Him regularly tell you of His love for you is the same. As you go about your life and work, it's easy to forget how real and near He is, and how intimately He wants to be involved in every detail of your life‚ and how desperately He wants you to know His heart.
When you are regularly assured of His love for you, and when you trust and believe in it‚ then that peace and knowledge in your heart will steady you, even when you face disappointments, heartbreaks, difficulties, or anything else that the river of life sends your way.
It is the only thing in the world that is absolutely perfect. There are a lot of things that are nice, beautiful, and wonderful, but nothing is perfect like His love. We live in an imperfect world‚ with imperfect humans, in imperfect conditions, but His love is what makes it possible for us to weather everything that life brings our way. He is perfect, and so is His love.
It's not something that we have to work for, or earn, or somehow prove that we're worthy of. That's a good thing, too, because we all sin and make mistakes. If we had to earn Jesus' love, none of us would have it, because we're all men and women of similar weaknesses and human frailties. The Lord, in His divine foresight and wisdom, knew this, and chose to love us with no strings attached.
He doesn't only love us through the good times. He doesn't just love us when we're thrilled with life, happy, obedient, progressing spiritually, or making a difference. He loves us when we're up and when we're down. He loves us when we're well and when we're sick. He loves us when we do things worthy of His praise and when we do things that sadden Him.
It's not something that will be here one day and gone the next. His love will not expire or die. It can't be stolen or taken. It doesn't get old with the times or go out of style. It's traditional and historic, but at the same time modern and current. It's always. Even before we knew Him, He loved us. He has loved us from the very beginning of time, and He will love us into eternity.