2 After the successful launch of the Police and Crime Plan in March 2013, future quarterly performance MOPAC Challenges will review London crime figures against the targets set out in the Plan: Reduce key neighbourhood crimes by 20%, which means up to 250,000 fewer crimes. Boost public confidence in the police by 20%, up to 75%. POLICE AND CRIME PLAN
NEIGHBOURHOOD CRIME REDUCTION TARGET MOPAC’s challenge to the Metropolitan Police Service over the next four years is to cut seven key neighbourhood crimes by 20% Category FY2012/13 Volume% change vs. FY2011/12 Total MOPAC 7 384,474 -6% Violence with Injury 57,836-6% Robbery 34,764-11% Burglary 92,644-4% Vandalism (Criminal Damage) 59,910-18% Theft From the Person 49,265+17% Theft of Motor Vehicle 22,139-15% Theft From Motor Vehicle 67,916-7% 3
MPS QUARTERLY CRIME FIGURES NEIGHBOURHOOD CRIME 3-month trend12-month trend Crime Category Jan 12 – Mar 12 Jan 13 – Mar 13 Trend Volume Change % change Apr 11 – Mar 12 Apr 12 – Mar 13 Trend Volume Change % change Violence with Injury 14,07713,027-1, %61,34657,836-3, % Robbery 9,3367,824-1, %38,91434,764-4, % Burglary 25,06823,882-1, %96,22492,644-3, % Vandalism (Criminal Damage) 16,66713,726-2, %72,92859,910-13, % Theft From the Person 11,21112,372+1, %42,08149,265+7, % Theft of Motor Vehicle 5,6695, %26,18822,139-4, % Theft From Motor Vehicle 18,66117,163-1, %73,35267,916-5, % 4
BURGLARY QUARTERLY BOROUGH PERFORMANCE JAN 2013–MAR Highest Boroughs (volume of offences) RankBoroughTotal Offences Rank Previous Quarter (Oct 12 – Dec 12) 1 Barnet Croydon Ealing Lambeth Lewisham Brent Enfield Westminster Redbridge Bromley Lowest Boroughs (volume of offences)Boroughs 11-22(volume of offences) 23 Greenwich Hackney Richmond Islington Merton Bexley K&C H&F Sutton Kingston Hounslow Southwark Newham Havering Wandsworth Camden B&D Hillingdon Tower Hamlets Waltham Forest Harrow Haringey
The thematic map shows borough comparison for percentage change over the last 3 months (Jan 2013– Mar 2013) as compared with the same 3-month period last year Borough Rate per 1000 population Westminster 4.22 B&D 4.09 Barnet 3.55 Lewisham 3.53 Camden 3.52 Havering 3.29 Richmond 3.26 Lambeth 3.24 Redbridge 3.23 Hounslow 3.18 Ealing 3.09 Brent 3.07 Harrow 3.04 Enfield 2.97 Tower Hamlets 2.93 Croydon 2.91 Bromley 2.85 Islington 2.84 Waltham Forest 2.82 Southwark 2.77 Hillingdon 2.77 Haringey 2.67 K&C 2.61 Hackney 2.56 Newham 2.54 Wandsworth 2.54 Greenwich 2.47 Merton 2.38 Kingston 2.07 Bexley 1.97 H&F 1.96 Sutton 1.81 MPS Average 2.92 BURGLARY QUARTERLY BOROUGH PERFORMANCE JAN 2013–MAR 2013
The thematic map shows borough comparison for percentage change over the last 12 months (Financial Year 2012/13) as compared with the same 12-month period last year. The smaller triangles on the map represent percentage change over the last quarter (Jan 2013 – Mar 2013) as compared to the same period last year. BURGLARY FINANCIAL YEAR 2012/13 BOROUGH PERFORMANCE Long term trend: FY12/13, % change vs previous year Short term trend: Q4 Jan 13 – Mar 13, % change vs same 3-month period previous year 7
BURGLARY NATIONAL COMPARISON Crime in England and Wales, year ending December MPS % change E & W % change MPS rank in E & W (1=best/ largest reduction) MPS rank in MSF (1=best/ largest reduction) -2.7%-8.6%34 th out of 434 th out of 4
THEFT FROM THE PERSON QUARTERLY BOROUGH PERFORMANCE JAN 2013–MAR Highest Boroughs (volume of offences) RankBoroughTotal Offences Rank Previous Quarter (Oct 12 – Dec 12) 1 Westminster Camden Lambeth Islington Hackney Southwark Newham K&C Tower Hamlets Wandsworth Lowest Boroughs (volume of offences)Boroughs 11-22(volume of offences) 23 Greenwich Kingston Hillingdon Merton Havering Bromley Harrow Richmond Sutton Bexley Waltham Forest H&F Ealing Haringey Lewisham Barnet Brent Croydon Redbridge Enfield B&D Hounslow
The thematic map shows borough comparison for percentage change over the last 3 months (Jan 2013– Mar 2013) as compared with the same 3-month period last year Borough Rate per 1000 population Westminster Camden 4.76 Islington 4.42 Lambeth 3.38 Hackney 3.17 K&C 2.95 Southwark 2.65 Newham 1.83 Tower Hamlets 1.66 H&F 1.51 Wandsworth 1.14 Waltham Forest 1.08 Haringey 1.04 Kingston 0.81 Ealing 0.79 Lewisham 0.79 B&D 0.76 Redbridge 0.65 Brent 0.61 Hounslow 0.56 Greenwich 0.55 Barnet 0.54 Merton 0.52 Croydon 0.50 Enfield 0.47 Hillingdon 0.43 Richmond 0.41 Havering 0.40 Harrow 0.39 Bromley 0.30 Sutton 0.25 Bexley 0.19 MPS Average 1.51 THEFT FROM THE PERSON QUARTERLY BOROUGH PERFORMANCE JAN 2013–MAR 2013
THEFT FROM THE PERSON FINANCIAL YEAR 2012/13 BOROUGH PERFORMANCE The thematic map shows borough comparison for percentage change over the last 12 months (Financial Year 2012/13) as compared with the same 12-month period last year. The smaller triangles on the map represent percentage change over the last quarter (Jan 2013 – Mar 2013) as compared to the same period last year. Long term trend: FY12/13, % change vs previous year Short term trend: Q4 Jan 13 – Mar 13, % change vs same 3-month period previous year 11
THEFT PERSON NATIONAL COMPARISON Crime in England and Wales, year ending December MPS % change E & W % change MPS rank in E & W (1=best/ largest reduction) MPS rank in MSF (1=best/ largest reduction) +19.7% +8.4% 38 th out of 434 th out of 4
PUBLIC CONFIDENCE DRIVERS MOPAC’s challenge to the MPS over the next four years is to boost public confidence in the MPS from 62% to 75% of Londoners thinking the MPS are doing a good or excellent job. The MPS have carried out robust analysis of their Public Attitude Survey and identified four key drivers of public confidence: 1414
PUBLIC CONFIDENCE – TREND CSEW Sep 2012: 62% of Londoners think the police do a good job in the local area This places the MPS top of its MSF and 19 th in the country on this measure. MOPAC Challenge Boost public confidence to 75% in CSEW 15
CRIME AND CONFIDENCE TARGET The graph below illustrates current MPS performance on the following targets: Drive down crime in seven key neighbourhood crime categories by at least 20% over 4 years; Boost confidence over the next four years from 62% to 75% of Londoners thinking the MPS are doing a good or excellent job. 1717
VICTIM SATISFACTION – NATIONAL COMPARISON The MPS performance in this area is poor (lowest across all 43 forces for victim satisfaction). 1818
VICTIM SATISFACTION – TREND User Satisfaction Survey Quarter 3 12/13: Overall satisfaction has increased by 2% since the same time last year, as has 'ease of contact‘. 1919
MPS QUARTERLY CRIME FIGURES OTHER KEY CRIME TYPES 3-month trend12-month trend Crime Category Jan 12 – Mar 12 Jan 13 – Mar 13 Trend Volume Change % change Apr 11 – Mar 12 Apr 12 – Mar 13 Trend Volume Change % change Serious Youth Violence % % Rape Offences % % Serious Sexual Offences % % Domestic Violence % % Business Crime % % Drugs Offences* % % * NB: Recorded crime figures for drugs offences will reflect police activity in an area 2121
GANG-RELATED CRIME2 Gang members in custody have increased from 217 to 803, an additional 586 nominals.
The thematic map shows borough comparison for percentage change over the last 12 months (Financial Year 2012/13) as compared with the same 12-month period last year. The smaller triangles on the map represent percentage change over the last quarter (Jan 2013 – Mar 2013) as compared to the same period last year. SERIOUS YOUTH VIOLENCE FINANCIAL YEAR 2012/13 BOROUGH PERFORMANCE Long term trend: FY12/13, % change vs previous year Short term trend: Q4 Jan 13 – Mar 13, % change vs same 3-month period previous year 2323
2012/13 target: increase the number of rape sanction detections by 6% RECORDED RAPE OFFENCES 2424
Headlines Effective governance & partnership Strategy to be published by end of 2013 Support & development of business crime reduction partnerships (West End pilot) SPOC's at SLT level on all 32 boroughs for business crime Better use of private sector resources (MSC – employer supported, Project Griffin, Oxford Street pilot with local BID) Technology (Information & Intelligence Sharing) – various partners trialling apps and software at pilot sites Strong relationship with British Retail Crime Consortium – MPS highlighted as best practice in national crime survey 2012 Crime reduction hub bringing together licensing, business partnership and crime prevention design advisors has been approved Business Crime Hotspots Identified Top 10 Hotspots Shared data and analysis with business community 6 of Top 10 have seen reductions in crime (last six months of 2012) Business crime down 1% in the last six months of 2012 (and 5% on 2011 levels) One major retailer has seen a 20% reduction in shoplifting offences following effective crime prevention design and partnership activity Ethos of "Every Opportunity, Every Tactic" BUSINESS CRIME 2525