The Action Party
Taxes We will raise taxes on families that make more than $210,000. They will be subject to pay 35% tax. Families who make more than $350,000 will be subject to pay 40% tax. Cannabis will be legal, but will be taxed 10% per sale.
Economy Our plan is to tax those making substainable amounts of income to create jobs that are environment friendly and keep our country out of dept. We promise to have 2 out of 3 people in your household with a good job.
Education We will hire more teachers and reduce class size. States will monitor schools and classes will be shorter. All students will get the same diploma, but will have to maintain a 2.8 GPA. Teachers will receive a 5% monthly raise which in most cases is more than $100 each month.
Environment Recycling will be mandatory in every household in the United States. Those who refuse will have to pay fines of $1,000 of each month they do not recycle. This money will be funded for education purposes. We will also reward people that are using solar energy with $5,000 each year.
Foreign Affairs We plan to end wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as possible. As of Korea‘s nuclear weapons, we will communicate with them, however, if the weapons are not removed, we will comply territory there until we feel like they are not a threat anymore.
Gun Control Gun permitts will not be eligible to those who are under the age of 25. If one is found by law with an illegal weapon one will have to spend a minimum of five years in prison. Anyone who has had previous felonies will not be able to have weapons or a gun permit.
Immigration Immigrants who enter the United States illegally will spend three to five years in prison. We will try to make the citizenship process easier and less painful. The cost to be a legal United States Citizen will be $3,500.
Abortion Abortion in the United States will not be an option.
Affirmative Action We will make sure that the person most qualified for the job will receive it regardless of race, gender, or age.
Social Security If one is over the age of 50 and has worked for more than 20 years, he or she qualifies for social security. Anyone over the age of 60 will be eligible to receive social security if he or she has worked for at least 15 years in one state or federal occupation.
Medicare Money for health insurance will come from taxes, immigration, citizen fees and cannabis taxes. We guarantee healthcare for every U.S. citizen.
Extra Taxes Cannabis will be legal in some states. Tax will be $5 on every sale made. Government officials will run all cannabis stores and farms.