CHV2O – MR NYMAN Municipal Government
Learning Goals To understand the powers of the municipal government, and how decisions are made To gain an appreciation for the candidates in the upcoming election
What is a municipality? a city, town, county, district, township or other community area having local self-government 80% of Canadians live in urban settings
What do they do?
Where does the money come from? Property taxes – taxes paid for owning houses, apartments, businesses; some funding from licences and parking permits; and funding from provincial and federal governments They cannot go into debt in Canada
How did we spend $9.4 billion?
$3.7 billion: Wage bill for 48,594 city staff $1.6 billion: TTC $1 billion: Police services $415.4 million: Bank debt charges $391.8 million: Parks and recreation $175.9 million Emergency medical services million: Toronto Public Library $3.1 million: Firefighting cuts prevention $1.16 million: Student nutrition program expansion
What is Toronto?
Municipal Structure
What are the laws called? Bylaw: regulation passed by municipal councils. Provincial governments can review and overturn the legal decision
How are they passed? 1. Public, city administration, or city council determines a need 2. (if from public) must get city councillor’s support 3. City administration looks into the matter 4. If decided on, law department drafts a bylaw 5. Presented to a committee, debated 6. Committee votes on whether to recommend bylaw 7. Law department drafts a final draft 8. City council receives the final draft, and may debate and votes on the bylaw 9. By comes into effect when signed by the mayor
2010 Mayoral Election Rob Ford 383, % George Smitherman 289, % Joe Pantalone 95, % Rocco Rossi 5, % George Babula 3, % Rocco Achampong 2, % Abdullah-Baquie Ghazi 2, % Michael Alexander 2, % Vijay Sarma 2, % ….
Toronto Municipal Election, 2014 October 27, 2014 Citizens will vote for mayor, city councillors, school trustees
How to run for mayor? Requirements - A Canadian citizen - At least 18 years of age - A resident of the City of Toronto; or own or lease property; or the spouse of the owner or lessee in the City of Toronto - Not legally prohibited from voting (further details provided below) - Not disqualified by any legislation from holding municipal office (further details provided below) Nomination Steps In order to submit a Nomination (for yourself), you have to provide the following: 1. Current Identification (ex. Ontario Driver's License, or Ontario Health Card) 2. Qualifications for Council Form (confirmation that you have the requirements noted above) 3. Nomination Form 4. Nomination Filing Fee (Mayor: $200, Toronto City Councillor: $100)
Who is running Rob FordOlivia ChowJohn ToryKaren Stintz Sheppard and Finch subways Downtown relief line Against raising taxes to pay for transit Plans to reduce land transfer tax Hasn’t specifically released a platform Focus on Children and Families Promote small business and youth emplyoment Supports Scarborough LRT Downtown relief subway line Keep property taxes low Downtown relief subway line Reform land transfer tax Support a bid for 2026 World Cup Keep Gardiner between Jarvis and Cherry St Currently is mayor, though he has been stripped of many powers by city council Several scandals over the last year Removed the vehicle registration tax during his time City councillor from MP for the NDP, married to Jack Layton Former Child Advocate Former leader of Ontario Conserative Party Chair of CivicAction (advocacy group focusing on issues in Toronto) Lost to David Miller in 2003 Former TTC chair (chosen by Rob Ford) City councillor since 2003 in Eglinton/Lawrence area Pushed for Scarborough Subway a/ om/
Who is running? David SoknackiSarah ThomsonMorgan BaskinJeff Billard Opposes Scarborough subway (favours LRT) to save money Wants to keep garbage pickup public Downtown relief line, LRT for Scarborough Funding from tolls for non-residents on Gardiner and DVP Electoral reform Long-term funding for organizations that care for homeless, people in social housing Stop divisive politics Increased public transit and bike lanes Wants increased funding from provincial and federal level Mandatory recycling More bike lanes Freeze Scarborough subway plans, and further review Opposes land transfer tax Downtown relief line Former city councillor in Scarborough Former budget chief Has been out of politics for a while Ran for mayor in 2010, dropped out due to funding Works with Toronto Transit Alliance 18 year old high school student Leader in Scouts Canada and the Anglican Church com/ om/
Assignment: Who would you vote for? Due April 4 ½ page stating who you would vote for and why You must mention at least 2 issues that the candidate supports/does not support Before starting, brainstorm what is important to you Explain why you won’t vote for at least one of the other candidates You are free to include personal reasons as well (my family is voting for them, they look boring, etc.)