SULLIVAN COUNTY Department of Education
SCDE Page 2 Why Consider Rezoning? Concern: -Enrollment Decline, Annexation, Budget Deficit Desired Result: -Improve student learning, Increase opportunities, Ensure taxpayer accountability, Establish stability Budget Considerations -Rezoning scenarios -Other budget considerations Benefits
SCDE Page 3 WHY CONSIDER REZONING CONCERNS: Declining Enrollment City Annexation Impact Declining Revenues
Enrollment Trend SCDE Page 5
Enrollment Trend (K-12) School YearEnrollment , , , , , , , , ,479 SCDE Page 6
Elementary School Enrollment (PK-12) SCDE Page 7 SchoolEnrollmentCapacityPercentage Blountville % Bluff City % Central Heights % Emmett % Holston % Indian Springs % Ketron % Miller Perry % Rock Springs % Weaver %
Middle School & K–8 Enrollment SCDE Page 8 SchoolEnrollmentCapacityPercentage Mary Hughes % Sullivan Gardens % Blountville % Bluff City % Colonial Heights % Holston % Holston Valley % North %
High School Enrollment SCDE Page 9 SchoolEnrollmentCapacityPercentage Sullivan Central % Sullivan East % Sullivan North % Sullivan South %
SCDE Page 10 Annexation Impact = Instability
Annexation Since 2008 SCDE Page 11
Annexation Impact on County Schools 2013 South Zone SCDE Page 12 SchoolZonedCurrentInside UGBOutside UGB Sullivan South Colonial Heights Sullivan Gardens Miller Perry Rock Springs Total2,0902,9011, This table shows the number of county students who are zoned for each school and the current enrollment. 1,252 of these students reside inside the UGB.
Annexation Impact on County Schools 2013 Central Zone SCDE Page 13 SchoolZonedCurrentInside UGBOutside UGB Sullivan Central9871, Holston ES Holston MS Indian Springs ES Total2,1052, This table shows the number of county students who are zoned for each school and the current enrollment. 917 of these students reside inside the UGB.
Annexation Impact on County Schools 2013 North Zone SCDE Page 14 SchoolZonedCurrentInside UGBOutside UGB North HS North MS Ketron ES Total1,5821, This table shows the number of county students who are zoned for each school and the current enrollment. 847 of these students reside inside the UGB.
Annexation Impact on County Schools 2013 Elementary Schools SCDE Page 15 SchoolZonedCurrentInside UGBOutside UGB Miller Perry Indian Springs Rock Springs Sullivan Gardens Ketron Holston ES Total2,3462,9751,2921,052 This table shows the number of county students who are zoned in a school transportation zone.
Annexation Impact on County Schools 2013 Middle Schools SCDE Page 16 SchoolZonedCurrentInside UGBOutside UGB Colonial Heights North Middle Sullivan Gardens Holston MS Total1,3031, This table shows the number of county students who are zoned in a county transportation zone.
Annexation Impact on County Schools 2013 High Schools SCDE Page 17 SchoolZonedCurrentInside UGBOutside UGB Sullivan North Sullivan South Sullivan Central9871, Total2,1282, ,011 This table shows the number of county students who are zoned in a county transportation zone.
SCDE Page 19 Sullivan County Funding Allocation 2012 Total FundingSullivanState Average Local Funding42.8%39.2% Federal Funding13.9%14.3% State Funding43.3%46.5%
SCDE Page 20 Local Funding (County Property Tax ) SystemAllocationPercent Sullivan County$24,424, % Kingsport City$14,178, % Bristol City$ 8,795, %
SCDE Page 21 Local Funding (Budgeted Amount for past three years) The 2012 tax increase provided approximately $1.2 million additional revenue for Sullivan County Schools.
SCDE Page 22 State Funding State funding is calculated based on the number of students enrolled in the system.
SCDE Page 23 DESIRED RESULTS: Improve student learning Increase opportunities Ensure taxpayer accountability Establish stability
SCDE Page 24 BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS: Rezoning Other budget considerations
SCDE Page 25 Rezoning Options: Plausible options in order to save resources by reducing expenses and maximizing the utilization of buildings. 1.South Zone 7 – 12 Option: Elementary schools serve students in grades PK – 6. 2.Central Zone Option: merge Elementary and Middle Schools. 3.West end of County (Kingsport) Option: merge middle and high schools.
SCDE Page 26 Other Budget Considerations : 1.Increase student/teacher ratio at high schools. 2.Reduce full time classroom assistants commensurate with sequestration impact. 3.Increase employee cost for insurance benefits. 4.Other?
High School Staffing Ratios SCDE Page Central East North South
SCDE Page 28 BENEFITS OF REZONING Improve student learning Increase student opportunities Reduce expenses for taxpayer accountability
SCDE Page 29 NEXT STEPS Continue Conversation: Public Rezoning Meeting on March 14, 2013 Rezoning Decision tentatively slated for March 28, 2013