Debra Tica Sanchez Vice President, Government Relations Association of Public Television Stations (APTS)
FY 2009 Funding Levels vs. FY 2010 Proposed Funding Levels FY 2009 Funding Levels FY 2010 PTV Funding Request FY 2010 President’s Budget House FY 2010 Approved Senate FY 2010 Proposed Emergency Request n/a$307 million$0$40 million$10 million* CPB $430 million (FY 2011) $542 million (FY 2012) $440 million (FY 2012) $450 million* (FY 2012) CPB Digital$34.59 million$40 million$36 million $36 million* Ready To Learn $25.52 million$32 million$25 million$25.4 million$28.5 million* Ready To Teach $10.7 million$17 million$0 $10.7 million* PTFP$20 million$44 million$0$20 million$20 million* Rural Digital$4.97 million$10 million$0 $4.9 million* Aggregate Total $525.78$501 million$561.4 million$560.1 million *denotes funding approved by the Full Senate Appropriations Committee, but not yet voted on by the full Senate
Appropriations Timeline October-December ▫Conference negotiations ▫Final passage and Presidential signature Appropriations action determined by progress of Healthcare reform
Education Environmental Scan Stimulus and FY2010 appropriations laying foundation for ESEA Reauthorization Some programs concerned about “funding cliff” House and Senate Reconciliation Ready To Learn RFP expected soon
Education Stimulus Overview More than $100 billion in new funding for federal education initiatives for three key functions: ▫Stimulate economy by spending funds quickly to save and create jobs ▫Improve student achievement through school improvement and reform ▫Provide one-time funding for immediate benefit of schools and children Funding to states, districts and institutions of higher education and for partnerships with those entities Strict transparency, reporting and accountability requirements
State Fiscal Stabilization Fund $53.6 billion Governors $48.6 billion Public Elementary, Secondary, and Institutions of Higher Education 81.8% ($39.8 billion) Education, School Modernization, Public Safety, or other Government Services 18.2% ($8.8 billion) Secretary of ED $5 billion Race to the Top ($4.35 billion) What Works and Innovation ($650 million) Formula Competitive
Strong Reform Requirements Significant flexibility in how funds are spent, but requires states to implement key reforms: ▫Develop rigorous college-and career-ready standards ▫Establish Pre-K to college and career data systems that track progress and foster continuous improvement ▫Improve teacher effectiveness and the equitable distribution of qualified teachers for all students, particularly students who are most in need ▫Provide intensive support and effective interventions for the lowest-performing schools
Race to the Top (RttT) Grantee: States Stimulus Funding: $4.35 billion by competitive grant Program Description: ▫Created to reward states that have created conditions for reform and to provide incentives for states to develop comprehensive reform ▫Notice of Proposed Priorities issued July 2009 ▫50% of funds to Title I LEA’s based on relative share; remaining funds under State discretion ▫States will apply individually, collaboration will be rewarded ▫States can only be awarded funds one time Timeline: Two rounds, Fall 2009 and Spring 2010
Proposed Priorities AbsoluteCompetitive Preference Invitational All states MUST meet this priority States must provide a comprehensive approach to 4 education reforms States will be ranked higher for meeting these priorities Emphasis on STEM No extra points; however there is interest to see applications meeting this priority Expansion and adaptation of statewide data systems P-20 coordination and alignment Flexibility and autonomy for reform and innovation
Eligibility States must have approved Phase I and II applications for State Fiscal Stabilization Funds States must NOT have legal, regulatory or statutory barriers linking student achievement data to teacher and principal evaluation
Selection Criteria State Reform Conditions Criteria ▫Assessment of state’s past progress and success in creating conditions for reform Reform Plan Criteria ▫Assessment of state’s plans for future efforts 19 proposed selection criteria in four key areas: ▫Standards and assessment ▫Data systems to support instruction ▫Great teachers and leaders ▫Turning around struggling schools
Investing in Innovation (i3) Grantee: Local Educational Agencies, including partnerships with nonprofits Stimulus Funding: $650 million in competitive grants Program Description: ▫RFP released in the upcoming days ▫Purpose to create robust incentives to expand what works, invest in promising practices, and boldly innovate Timeline: Two rounds, Fall 2009 and Spring 2010
Funding Priorities Largest grants—up to $50 million—for proven programs ready to expand Mid-size grants—up to $30 million—for programs that need to build research base or organizational capacity to expand Small grants—up to $5 million—promising ideas that should be tried
Policy Priorities Alignment with four education reform areas Additional focus on: ▫Early learning ▫College readiness ▫Serving rural districts ▫Efforts to make better use of school day and year
What are the decision makers thinking? Does the proposed use of funds… ▫Drive results for students? ▫Focus on key content areas? ▫Improve graduation rates? ▫Accelerate reform? ▫Foster continuous improvement and produce measurable results? ▫Provide evidence-based data to support the program?
Outreach Strategies Build upon existing state/local education relationships Offer education services as a solution to help schools meet achievement goals ▫Teacher training ▫Innovative and results-based programs Expansion of effective Public TV programs ▫Multi-district/multi-state program replication Be prepared to discuss program effectiveness and results
Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA) Reconciliation legislation: mechanism to achieve savings in mandatory federal spending $87 billion reallocated for new priorities, including: ▫Early Learning Challenge Fund-$1 billion/year Grants to states to build high-quality early learning systems ▫American Graduation Initiative-$50 million/year Competitive grants to Community Colleges to improve instruction Competitive grants to provide free, high-quality online courses and training
Thank You! Deb Sanchez