Interactive Feedback
Feedback as a form of instruction word2003.html
Feedback as an element of retention service-book-power-of.html
Feedback as an element of dialogue, an element of presencing, both critical to deep learning in the U Process
Expectations Grading
Consistency occurs when all faculty use the same grading rubric
Online environment where technology abounds
Improve ease of providing Feedback Measurement Consistency e_11_07/quick_evaluate_11_07.html
Assessment for accreditation Writing Across the Curriculum initiatives Defining curriculum and outcomes, and streamlining the grading process, in 100% online programs Feedback and competency-based assessment in Nursing programs Waypoint can even provide assessment management services to help your institution gather data efficiently.
In 2003, McCann founded Waypoint Outcomes to commercialize software he developed to dramatically improve feedback to learners while developing data on their achievement. An expert in rubric and assessment design, McCann counsels K-12 and higher education clients on accreditation, e-learning and assessment activities to achieve excellence.
Waypoint originated with two challenges shared by all educators: Creating the personalized, timely feedback that learners need, and Measuring student progress in subjective (and important) areas like written communication, critical thinking, presentation skills, and information literacy. Development
Innovated around the basic idea of the RUBRIC, the criteria-based assessment tool used by educators around the A powerful platform that can be easily integrated with leading Learning Management Systems. Waypoint has helped thousands of educators create ◦ Better feedback ◦ More efficiently ◦ Develop data Development
Innovative tools to help deepen the dialog amongst educators, learners, and stakeholders. Development
Our assessment software is used by diverse K12 and Higher Education institutions around the world. t-us Development
Since 2004, when we started with two clients, educators have been passionate about Waypoint®. Now, institutions in the US, Canada, and Europe use Waypoint to create better feedback for tens of thousands of students, to manage course evaluations, and to generate rich data on learning outcomes. Much of our growth is due to word of mouth, although our clients frequently present at academic conferences and we exhibit at eLearning and accreditation conferences across the US.
Milestones include: 2004 Inaugural clients Lead article in IEEE, an association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity, is the world’s largest technical professional society Partners with and integrates with Rubistar Blackboard building block 2007 Moodle integration Released WP Outcomes, data analysis engine 2008 Texas A&M University launches Waypoint institution-wide via its Writing Across the Curriculum program Inside Higher Education highlights Drexel's English Alive program, the first client for WP Outcomes 2010 Begins Fellows Program Seton Hall uses WP in NCATE accreditation process iPad integration University of North Carolina uses WP in redesigning curriculum to improve writing instruction Present at Educause Since 2004, Waypoint has gained considerable prominence and recognition as an interactive rubric and data gathering tool.
Technology focused ◦ Eager faculty ◦ Instructional technology team (support)
Feedback focused ◦ Faculty dedicated to adult learning best practices ◦ Faculty interested in engaging in a dialogue supportive of deep learning ◦ Office of Student Success Associate Dean Advisors l / /Adult-Learning-Theory
Measurement of strategic goals focused ◦ VP of Institutional Assessment and Planning ◦ Office of Academic Affairs =home.viewPage&page_id=889D6F8B- E7D BE1F862A5AF4D8
Reticent faculty ◦ Traditional background ◦ Content with current feedback/grading process ◦ Unwilling to give up control of grading to a rubric life/facilities/ ent/ html
Strategy for adoption ◦ Focus on relative advantage: As a cutting-edge, state online school, Waypoint provides us relative advantage over our peer institutions. news-world-report
In my organization, I believe the interactive rubric, Waypoint, meets the needs of our need for relative advantage, compatibility, low complexity, and observability (Rogers, 2003). As a cutting-edge, state online school, Waypoint provides us the ability to link learning objectives to course objectives to program objectives as well as improve feedback and facilitate dialogue between the faculty and students. This provides us relative advantage over our peer institutions, which have no technology to support either of these important tasks. Not only is Waypoint in alignment with our organization’s goal of consistent, rubric-based, data driven institutional strategy, it’s also integrated with our Blackboard learning management system. These elements make Waypoint compatible with institutional objectives and faculty and student ease of use. Although the Waypoint interface is fairly free of complexity, as with all new technologies, it does require training and ongoing support. Once familiar with its use, the tool is easily adoptable by end-users. The use of Waypoint has an instant effect on the need for faculty to conduct consistent, rubric- based grading with detailed feedback. Faculty and students immediately see the feedback and graded rubric in the Blackboard grade center. Being able to observe the benefits of this innovation improves its ability for diffusion.