©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: May 6, Assistance Organizations Are Offering to Help Employees Deal With High Gas Prices in 2008 YesNoPlan to Raising mileage reimbursement to IRS cap42%55%3% Offering flexible work schedule (e.g. compressed work schedule, flex-time, etc.) 26%70%4% Offering telecommuting18%79%3% Offering public transportation discounts14%83%3% Rewarding employees with gas card14%79%7% Providing information on alternative ways to get to the office (e.g. information on bus routes, finding shorter paths to the office, etc.) 13%83%4% Organizing carpools12%83%5% n=545
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: May 6, Assistance Organizations Are Offering to Help Employees Deal With High Gas Prices in 2008 (cont’d) YesNoPlan to Offering IRS Section 132 transportation accounts - Pretax transportation reimbursement accounts 11%87%2% Offering priority parking to employees that carpool 7%91%2% Offering to help new executive hires find housing closer to the office 6%93%1% Offering to help new non-executive hires find housing closer to the office 4%95%1% Offering commuter stipend for long commute to the office 2%97%1% Offering employees cost of living raises as a direct result of gas prices 2%96%2% Offering monetary incentive to employees to buy hybrid cars 1%98%0%
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: May 6, Assistance Organizations Are Offering to Help Employees Deal With High Gas Prices (by Year) 2008 (n=550) 2007 (n=489) 2006 (380) 2005 (456) Raising mileage reimbursement to IRS cap 42%13%21%8% Offering telecommuting18%4%7%6% Offering public transportation discounts 14%6%8%7% Rewarding employees with gas card14%6% Organizing carpools12%6%7%5% Offering monetary incentive to employees to buy hybrid cars 1% 0% Note: Blank cells indicate option was not available that year. Multiple response options were allowed in the surveys) Only options where data from multiple years are available where included.
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: May 6, Assistance Organizations Are Offering to Help Employees Deal With High Gas Prices in 2008 (open-ended responses) Trying to recruit closer to the office Advance gas money prior to travel as opposed to post travel reimbursement If an employee is dispatched to another site mid-shift we pay gas. Allowing employee to transfer to offices closer to their homes. Car pool monthly awards Partnering with local hotel for discounted pricing for employees with long commutes. We offer employees a commuter benefits program which entitles them to $75 per month to take public transportation. Reviewing establishing train shuttle service Employees who are responsible for a very large territory are given company cars with gas cards Re-routing sales force to make areas more compact, thus reducing the amount of miles they need to travel in order to get their customer accounts serviced.
©SHRM 2008SHRM Poll: May 6, Methodology Response rate = 20% Sample comprised of 553 randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership. Margin of error is +/- 5%. Survey fielded the week of May 6, 2008