Wholesale Power Price Forecast 01/28/03 Current Trends Update March 11, 2003
Northwest Power Planning Council: March 2003 Major updates since A&R forecast AURORA vendor updates: –updated model version –revised default curtailment blocks –finer WECC load-resource area definition (Baja & S. NV) Adjusted scope of PNW East & MT load-resource areas. Updated inventory of post-2000 completions and projects under construction. Heavy scrubbing of existing thermal resource data. NPPC revised load growth forecasts (PNW & other LRAs). NPPC revised fuel price forecasts and pricing structure. NPPC revised new resource characteristics. Reshaped seasonal distribution of planned outages. Added scheduled upgrades to LRA transfer capacity.
Northwest Power Planning Council: March 2003 Current Trends case key assumptions I Projects scheduled for completion are completed; additional projects are market-driven. Suspended projects > 25% complete available as new resource options at reduced capital cost. Projects scheduled for retirement are retired; additional retirements are market-driven. $15/kW/yr point-to-point transmission & basic ancillary services cost plus 1.9% transmission loss penalty (except cogen & peaking units). NPPC medium case fuel price forecasts.
Northwest Power Planning Council: March 2003 Current Trends case key assumptions II NPPC medium case load forecasts. New resource options: 540 MW gas-fired combined-cycle gas turbine (frame) 70 MW duct firing (power augmentation) for above 2 x 46 MW gas-fired simple-cycle gas turbine (aeroderivative) 100 MW wind plant 400 MW pulverized coal-fired steam-electric (ex. PNW-West & CA) 20 MW central-station solar photovoltaics Permanent production incentive for new renewables. SBC and RPS resource development where adopted. Oregon CO2 offset requirement for all new fossil units. $7.50/MWh green tag revenue for new renewables.
Northwest Power Planning Council: March 2003 Price forecasts: Mid-Columbia
Northwest Power Planning Council: March 2003 Levelized Mid-Columbia price forecast (2006–25)