Education Modules’ Devolopment for Tecnical and Legal Issues in Energy Sector Technologies Kick-off Meeting February 2 /5 2014 Ankara ndth.


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Presentation transcript:

Education Modules’ Devolopment for Tecnical and Legal Issues in Energy Sector Technologies Kick-off Meeting February 2 / Ankara ndth


Budget: ,00 € Duration: 24 months from December 2013 to November 2015

Objectives The main objective of our project is to develop both technical and legal training modules for energy sector stakeholders for the purpose of energy investments and training human resources for the energy sector. Units specialized in energy are requested to develop training modules containing information on new technologies. The modules shall provide investors the opportunity to learn the current legal processes in a systematic manner without getting into the legal complicity.

Methodology and Workplans Analyses Preparing tecnical. training modules Pilot scheme Printing the books


WORK PACKAGE 1 Package Title: Project Management, Coordination and Planning Package Leader: P0 Dates: 12/ /2015 Activities: To form the Steering Committee under the coordination of Energy Law Research Institute-EHAE, To structure a comprehensive work programme, To make sure the provision of quality assurance at all stages of work plan and to start a quality assurance plan, To develop internal and external interactions, To provide all necessary contracts with the EC and Turkish NA

To elaborate all required reports, according to the information received from all the partners, To provide an effective working plan, a financial plan, a valorisation plan, a continuous monitoring and a continuous data acquisition to the network, To provide effective management, successful coordination and planning and dissemination of the project at all stages,

To build up a project’s web site, To arrange national Evaluation Meetings among Turkish partners, if it is find necessary, To arrange a kick off meeting, three Evaluation Meetings and a final meeting, To finish the project with the determined budget on time while reaching all the objectives of the project

WORK PACKAGE 2 Package Title: Current Situation and Needs Analysis Package Leader: P0, P5, P6 Dates: 12/ /2014 Activities: a) P2-P5 shall perform EE technical analyses by assuming those duties: To specify current innovative products /technologies used for EE in Buildings/Industry/Transport, To measure the effect of these on life quality/production quality-quantity,

To reveal what technologies are used in their own countries as compared with that of the EU, To specify how Turkish investors integrate those with their own industries, To measure the effect of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from energy production-consumption on global warming- climate change, To reveal energy saving potentials of energy consuming sectors.

b) P6-P3 shall perform RE technical analyses by assuming those duties: To determine what technologies RE investors need and how they shall use them, to reveal what technologies are used in their own countries as compared with that of the EU, to specify how Turkish investors integrate these industries to their own industries.

c) P0 for EE legal analyses and P4 for RE legal analyses shall be performed by assuming those duties: To determine what legal responsibilities are for energy law stakeholders, to provide advice to related legal infrastructure works for energy law by discussing messy current legal regulations in all aspects with regards to RE(P4)/EE(P0),

to provide suggestions to the EU legislation harmonization works in the field of energy law, to determine what the legal procedures are that keep the investors away from investments d) P1 shall perform legal process analysis for energy investments by assuming those duties: To reveal the related legal process for Turkish-foreign investors,

to specify future energy need in the world/Turkey, for what RE source in what part of our country investment must be made, to determine the potential of Turkey’s RE source. e) P7 shall perform financing analyses of EE-RE investments by assuming those duties: To specify how finance is ensured for EE-RE investments in Turkey,

to determine how the economy of the country shall be contributed with current EE providing technologies, to determine the status of external dependence of Turkey regarding energy, to reveal estimated costs of RE investments, how long the depreciation period shall take, and their advantages/disadvantages. All partners shall prepare a result report where the needs/problems are presented.

WORK PACKAGE 3 Package Title: Transfering and Devolopment of Education Modules Package Leader: P2, P3 Dates: 07/ /2015 Activies: Each partner shall prepare a training module by selecting training titles in line with the needs/ problems in the result report of the subject each partner analyzed. Each partner shall add a part consisting of module-related questions and answers coming right after the modules each partner prepared.

A) P2-P5 shall prepare technical training module of energy efficiency under the following titles: 1-Information on recent technologies for energy efficiency in Buildings /Industry /Transport, 2-Energy efficiency technologies in the EU, mainly in Hungary– Romania, 3-The information on how Turkish investors shall use those technologies,

4-The information on how works of energy efficiency in Buildings/Industries affect life quality/production quality and quantity, 5-The effects of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from energy production–consumption processes on global warming and climate change, 6-Energy saving potential of energy consuming sectors.

B) P6-P3 shall prepare technical training module of renewable energy under the following titles: 1-Necessary technologic arguments for renewable energy investments, 2-Renewable energy technologies in the EU, mainly in Hungary- Greece, 3- The information on how Turkish investors shall use those technologies,

C) P0 shall perform legal training module of energy efficiency and P4 shall perform legal training module of renewable energy under the following titles: 1-Legal legislation in practice with regards to renewable energy (for P4) and energy efficiency (for P0), 2-What branches of law the renewable energy and energy efficiency are related to, 3-Information on energy law in current training programs and information on energy law that must be placed in current training programs,

4-Legal responsibilities of energy law stakeholders, 5-Legal legislation needed for investments D) P1 shall prepare the training module, in which there are legal processes in the energy sector, under the following titles: 1-Future status of energy need in the world/ Turkey, 2-For what renewable source in what part of our country the investment shall be made, 3-Legal procedures renewable energy investors shall face.

E) P7 shall prepare the training module that constitutes the part of energy efficiency/renewable energy investments finance under the following titles: 1-All information the investments shall need for energy investment financing, 2-Estimated costs of renewable energy investments, how long the depreciation period shall take, and advantages/ disadvantages.

WORK PACKAGE 4 Package Title: Pilot Application Package Leader: P4, P7 Dates: 04/ /2015 Activities: Pilot applications shall be performed in Turkey. Energy Law Research Institute- EHAE (P0), Gazi University (P4), General Directorate of Renewable Energy (P1), Regional Management of OSTİM (P7) (all local partners) shall serve in this work package.

(P1) shall serve in trainings containing technical subjects regarding renewable energy. (P7) shall serve in trainings containing the technical subjects of energy efficiency and the financial subjects. (P0) and (P4) shall serve in legal trainings. In pilot applications the responsibility of informing/selecting target groups shall pertain to the partner that shall provide training but the organization of training locations shall be conducted by the leader of the package.

WORK PACKAGE 5 Package Title: Evaluation Package Leader: P1, P2 Dates: 06/ /2015 Activies: EHAE (P0) will control all partners in the project, so that they fulfill their responsibilities and tasks on time. On the other hand, all partners will monitor to others and benchmark what has been done by then to give feedback and add value. All partners are responsible also for self-evaluation.

According to the feedbacks of the target groups and their observations, Turkish partners will evaluate pilot trainings. All partners will modify their developed training modules if needed. Representatives of all project partners are going to participate in the Evaluation Meetings held in Hungary, Romania and Greece. When it is required under the supervision of EHAE (P0), Turkish partners will have national evaluation meetings.

WORK PACKAGE 6 Package Title: Dissemination and Valorisation Package Leader: P1, P3 Dates: 12/ /2015 Activities: EHAE (P0) along with all partners will keep the dissemination and exploitation activities on the agenda, All partners will be keenly responsible for this work package by means of the awareness of different activities

- All partners will be dealing with own national dissemination activities. EHAE (P0) will be informed as regards these activities. - EHAE (P0) will be responsible to update web site of the project on a regular basis to offer influential dissemination and exploitation of the project - All partners will join to the final conference held in Ankara, Turkey at the end of the project to contribute the valorization of the project. - EHAE (P0) will control the works done by the subcontractors.


1)The Web Site 01/03/2014 2)Current Status&Needs Analysis Report 30/06/2014 3)Education Modules 31/03/2015 4)E-learning Modules 31/03/2015 5)Pilot Training 31/07/2015

6)Books/ DVDs 31/10/2015 7)Pilot Application Feedback Report 31/07/2015 8)External Evaluation Report 30/11/2015 9)Promotion Film 30/11/ )Publication in Journals 30/11/2015