Future? The
Background 2003: 2003: EPIC established out of PERNA project. “All of country” licenses negotiated with EBSCO & Thomson Gale By 2007: By 2007: “all of country” licenses negotiated with 6 vendors providing access to 20+ e-resource products. Re-packaged to members in 12 package options 2010: 2010: EPIC introduces “opt-in” subscriptions in addition to EPIC Packages.
EPIC in e-resource9 vendors12 Packages 12 Opt-in EPIC offers access to 38 e-resource products from 9 vendors through a combination of 12 Packages & 12 Opt-in subscription options. The EPIC membership comprises: 52 Public Libraries 58 Special Libraries 35 Tertiary Libraries The National Library of New Zealand Plus The Ministry of Education pays a subscription for ALL (2,560) New Zealand Schools to access a package of EPIC resources
EPIC Packages EPIC negotiates “all of country” licenses for all the EPIC Package EPIC Package products EPIC Package Pricing is: divided proportionately amongst member libraries determined by the EPIC Cost Allocation model Pricing can only be finalised once commitment has been gained by all member libraries Significant discounts per product have been achieved through “all of country” licensing, but this can only be sustained if members continue to subscribe to the packages in large enough numbers
EPIC Package Vital Statistics 7 MILLION Over 7 MILLION searches in Nearly 2 searches per person in New Zealand Cost = 28c per search Average of 350,000 searches per product The most popular EPIC Resource = Australian/New Zealand Reference Centre 1.68 million searches in A 40% increase in usage from
EPIC Opt-in Products EPIC Opt-in EPIC Opt-in products are based on member suggestions & vendor offers EPIC negotiates pricing based on: The level of member interest Discount on vendors’ pricing models Maximum pricing for libraries is fixed for each year, however, further discounts can be achieved if more libraries opt-in to deals The level of discount can be achieved is lower than through “all of country” deals, however, there is flexibility to subscribe only to resources you are going to use
EPIC Opt-in Product Vital Statistics As at 1 April 2012 EPIC offers: 15 e-resource 12 EPIC Opt-in 15 e-resource products in 12 EPIC Opt-in subscription options 51% of EPIC member libraries subscribe to an EPIC Opt-in option 6 libraries subscribe to EPIC Opt-in products only The most popular EPIC Opt-in product is Ancestry Library Edition with 46 subscribers
Discussion The EPIC Future? Where to from here? Consortium models: bundling vs opt-in. all of country options? / all of sector options? other options? Future E-resource priorities: product recommendations Promotional Ideas Anything else?