Action Plan Template Educator Academy May 2011 Israel
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 2 Israel Dr. Ofer Rimon Director, Science and Technology Administration, Israel Ministry of Education Hagit Yaffe-Wiesel Israel K-12 Education Mgr. Corporate Affairs Intel Maya Halevy Director Of Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem Manon Haran Project Mananger Bloomfield Science Museum Jerusalem
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 3 High Level Goals What do you want to accomplish for your school, region or country? Long term goals –Develop and drive culture of R&D in schools in Israel (1-12) to enable meaningful learning among students Short term goals –Increase # of participation of students and # of awards in in WW ISEF
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 4 Objectives How will you know you succeeded? Please list the results you want to see –Objective #1: Identify strong technological and scientific disciplines in Israel build infrastructures to enhance qulity and quantity of projects in the relevant disciplines (indicator: by 2013 – 10 quality projects, at least one award per year) –Objective #2: develop regional/municipal and school level of science fairs –(indicator: by 2012 –2013 pilot of city wide model in 1-2 major cities) –Objective #3: map existing fairs and competitions and link them to ISEF –(indicator: by end of 2011 – complete mapping) –0
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 5 Action Plan – Steps to Meet Your Goals and Objectives ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible?Deadline? Build a coalition of: MOE, MOS, Intel and industry, academia, municipality Kick off meeting to create the process for the working teams (per subject ) OferJune-July 2011 and on going all relevant stakeholder informed about the program Introduction day for stakeholders Ofer and teamBy Q3 Teacher training guide– how to teach using PBL and encourage research Written Teacher ‘s GuideMaya/ManonQ3-Q4 2011
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 6 6 Action Plan – Steps to Meet Your Goals and Objectives - 2 ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible?Deadline? Build a regional coalition of: MOE, MOS, Intel and industry, academia, municipality Creating relevant team per region Ofer + MayaJune-July 2011 and on going Create the Science Fair Model for schools (elementary, junior, and high school) at the school, city and regional levels Written Science Fair Model tool kit Maya+ HagitBy Q1 2012
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy Action Plan – Steps to Meet Your Goals and Objectives - 3 ActionMeasure success?Who’s Responsible?Deadline? Map existing competitions and align it to ISEF Mapping readyMaya/HagitBy July 2011 Map ISEF standards, criteria and align time tables Mapping readyMaya/HagitBy July 2011
Intel ISEF 2011 – Educator Academy 8 Intel ISEF Educator Academy Reflection - To be done… As a result of your participation in the 2011 Educator Academy, reflect on your experience –Highlight what your team felt was the key learning from the Educator Academy What impressed you the most? –Interaction between international team –Ability to share knowledge and good practices –The team felt the hospitality was excellent and had much fun –Which Shop Talks were the most beneficial for your team? What would you improve? Have an interactive workshop Since 50% of participants are not new, need to refresh some presenters More international presenters –What types of Shop Talks were missing? –The one that was canceled about science education and economic growth