Click the caterpillar to go onto the next slide!
This butterfly will take you to the previous slide. This caterpillar will take you to the next slide. This flower will take you to each section’s home page. This question mark will take you to the quiz and review questions. This video camera will take you to the video at a specific time.
Hi! My name is Carlos and I am a caterpillar. I am going to be helping you along this adventure as you learn about metamorphosis. What’s your name?? Click to type name in here
…we read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” book in class?? Well now we get to learn more about how that caterpillar turns into a butterfly and why!
Click on each bolded word to find out what it means! Metamorphosis Cocoon Larva Pupa Keep these words in mind! After looking at all the words, click here for a review question
*Click the flower to go to the new words home page - A change in form or appearance - A change in behavior Caterpillar Butterfly
The stage just after the caterpillar has hatched from the egg. -Very young caterpillar-
Where the caterpillar lives while it changes form. The cocoon changes color as the caterpillar changes into a butterfly.
When the caterpillar is turning into a butterfly it is in the pupa stage. We can’t see this stage because it happens inside the cocoon.
Which of the following acts as a “home” for the caterpillar while it changes form?? A.The grassThe grass B.A flowerA flower C.A cocoonA cocoon
That’s ok! Looks like we just need to try again and take another look at our vocab. Vocab Review!
You sure do know your vocab so far! Now you get to move onto the next section!
Ok so now that we have our vocab down, let’s go look at the life cycle of a monarch butterfly/caterpillar!
Adult Adult #4 Egg Egg #1 Larva Larva #2 Pupa Pupa #3 Click on each stage to learn about them! After learning about all 4 stages watch this video and then go to the review question below…
Multiple eggs are laid by the female butterfly in the Spring, Summer, or Fall. STAGE # 1 in metamorphosis…
STAGE # 2 in metamorphosis… This is the growing stage for the caterpillar… which means they eat…. A LOT! Just like we read about in our book! Can grow up to 100x their original size during the larva stage…what if you grew that fast?? Can you find all 5 caterpillars??
STAGE # 3 in metamorphosis… This stage is when the full grown caterpillar stops eating and makes itself a cocoon made of silk. The pupa makes its cocoon completely by itself while attaching itself to a stem, a branch, or a tree. Pretty cool huh?? This is also the phase where the caterpillar changes into a butterfly!!
STAGE # 4 in metamorphosis… After emerging out of the cocoon this beautiful butterfly can fly and can reproduce eggs….and so the cycle starts all over again! In this stage, butterflies cannot grow.
Before we review let’s watch this video about metamorphosis. Click the play button below and enjoy! hello
AdultEggLarvaPupa Click on each stage to learn about them! After you watch the video you can answer the review question…
Which of these is the correct life cycle order?? A.Egg, Pupa, Adult, LarvaEgg, Pupa, Adult, Larva B.Pupa, Adult, Larva, EggPupa, Adult, Larva, Egg C.Egg, Larva, Pupa, AdultEgg, Larva, Pupa, Adult D.Adult, Larva, Egg, PupaAdult, Larva, Egg, Pupa
That’s ok, you can try again and don’t forget, you can always click the flower and go look at the life cycle again!
Wow, you totally know the order of the life cycle! Good for you! Now you can move onto the next section!
Are there steps to our lives too?? Do you think we go through a cycle kind of like this??
Our life cycle looks sorta like this: AdultBabyChild Does this cycle look at all like that of a caterpillar’s??
Ok so can you think of another animal that goes through a similar life cycle?? Please share your answer and explain in the box below.. Once you are finished writing you can move on!
Ok, so why are they not similar?? Please explain in the box below… Once you are finished writing you can move on!
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me!!
So what have we learned?? New words like: Metamorphosis, Pupa, Larva, CocoonMetamorphosisPupaLarvaCocoon The life cycle of a monarch caterpillar and butterflylife cycle 4 stages: Egg, Larva, Pupa, Adult Fun facts about caterpillars and butterflies Once you are ready, you may move onto the final review
*Click the flower to go to the wrap up home page - A change in form or appearance - A change in behavior Caterpillar Butterfly
The stage just after the caterpillar has hatched from the egg. -Very young caterpillar- *Click the flower to go to the wrap up home page
When the caterpillar is turning into a butterfly it is in the pupa stage. We can’t see this stage because it happens inside the cocoon. *Click the flower to go to the wrap up home page
Where the caterpillar lives while it changes form. The cocoon changes color as the caterpillar changes into a butterfly. *Click the flower to go to the wrap up home page
AdultEggLarvaPupa *Click the flower to go to the wrap up home page
Pick a category that you would like to review! The Life-Cycle Vocab Random Facts Once you have finished all three reviews you may go to the last slide…but remember…you must complete ALL 3 PARTS for full credit.
A Caterpillar can grow up to 100x it’s original size in the stage. During the stage is when the caterpillar builds it’s cocoon. I can fly! I can fly...I have wings and I am thin…tell me please tell me…What stage am I in? Fill-in-the-blank with the correct stage! Click the flower when you are ready but please fill in ALL the blanks, your answers are worth points!
True or False??? Caterpillars transform into a butterfly inside the egg. Metamorphosis is when something changes form and behavior. When a caterpillar is growing, it is called an adult. True False Click inside the box and put T for True or F for false. Once you have chosen ALL THREE answers, you may go back to the home page.
The adult butterfly lays eggs during all seasons except during the. The cocoon is made out of by the caterpillar itself. What book did we read in class together to get us excited about learning about caterpillar’s and metamorphosis?? Click the flower when you are ready but please fill in ALL the blanks, your answers are worth points! Fill-in-the-blank
I had so much fun with you and I hope you enjoyed learning about METAMORPHOSIS!!! Bye!!! You can press the escape (Esc) button and let your teacher know that you are done!
The caterpillar takes you to the next page and the butterfly takes you to the previous page. 1.Given an interactive PowerPoint, students will be able to identify the egg, pupa, larva, and adult stages of metamorphosis with 100% accuracy. 2.Given an interactive PowerPoint, students will be able to give characteristics of each stage of metamorphosis with minimal teacher assistance.
This interactive PowerPoint takes students through metamorphosis and gives them new vocabulary. They are also evaluated throughout the presentation and at the end there is a formative assessment. There is also an informational video, a fun motivational character, and tons of pictures for them to relate the information to. This PowerPoint relates to the book we read in class, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The target audience is 2 nd or 3 rd grade but could probably be modified to fit 1 st as well.
SCI Life Science: Observe, ask questions about, and describe how organisms change their forms and behaviors during their life cycles. More standards can be found at:
Learners will be able to this inside and outside of the classroom. Benefits: Great to know for future science classes Able to see this happen in nature Expands vocabulary and scientific knowledge Downfalls: Takes a while to get through Lots of steps—could seem challenging to kids If kids don’t have background knowledge it would be tough to follow
My original target audience is 2 nd graders but like I said earlier could be used for 1 st or 3 rd with some minor adjustments. Target Audience Characteristics Can read but simple, well known words are going to be more effective Need lots of pictures/videos that help them comprehend the material Short attention spans so have to make interactive and fun for them
1 for standards 1 Links to all the pictures can be found here or at the bottom of each slide there are the url’s for the pictures used on that Almost all of the content was confirmed on various metamorphosis websites but created by myself, Brandi Fishburn. The video was also made by myself and the references fro the pictures used in it are at the end of the video. Flower=Home Page