CUAHSI Hydrologic Information Systems
HIS Project Team Yao Liang John Helly Project co-PI Collaborator
Environmental Cyberinfrastructure Part of NSF Cyberinfrastructure program Special emphasis on environmental sciences fostered by Margaret Leinen (Asst Dir for GeoSciences) CUAHSI Hydrologic Information Systems is one of several pilot projects
1. Hydrologic Observations Database Hydrologic System Sensing Recording Transmission EditingStorage Retrieval Sampling Transmission Laboratory Analysis Recording On-Site Measurement Off-Site Measurement
Sensor Network Interfaces to Digital Library Example is for wireless network in Santa Margarita watershed, San Diego
HydroViewer Provides Access to… Neuse Watershed Collection Santa Margarita Watershed Collection + your Hydrologic Observatory Data Collection
Hydrologic Metadata Definition Data Centers NCDC NWIS NCEP NWS NGDC Sensor Arrays Numerical Models HSPF Air-Q MM5 Individual Samples METADATA Data Harvesting
2. Hydrologic Representation Hydrologic Observation Data Geospatial Data Remote Sensing Data Weather and Climate Data (NetCDF) (GIS) (Relational database or delimited ascii) (EOS-HDF) Digital Watershed
Hydrologic Data Model Hydrologic Fluxes and Flows Digital Watershed (Atmospheric, surface and subsurface water) We need to represent the physical environment and water flowing through it
Created first for the Neuse basin Digital Watershed: An implementation of the CUAHSI Hydrologic Data Model for a particular region
Arc Hydro: Geodatabase model for water resources Customization of ArcGIS for water resources. Public domain data model and toolset Stores time series as well as geospatial data Attach remote sensing and climate model files using links Integrate data into a coherent space-time framework
ArcIMS Web Server displaying data compiled in Neuse HO Planning Study
Unidata: Atmospheric Science Precipitable water in the atmosphere Cross-section of relative humidity Images created using Unidata’s Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) Wind vectors and wind speed (shading) Unidata delivers real-time weather data including Nexrad to more than 100 universities
Neuse Basin: Coastal aquifer system * From USGS, Water Resources Data Report of North Carolina for WY 2002 Section line Beaufort Aquifer
Create a 3 dimensional representation Geovolume Each cell in the 2D representation is transformed into a 3D object Geovolume with model cells
3.Hydrologic Analysis Hydrologic Process Modeling Statistics and Hypothesis Testing Visualization Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Digital Watershed
Data Flow Center for Hydrologic Information Reference ModelsData Models Hydrologic FluxesData Models Digital Watersheds Distributed Data Sources Data Transformations Data Harvesting HO i Hydrologic Observatories Distributed Data Sources Federated Digital Library Hydrologic Synthesis Center Applications
New Concept of Publication Hydrologic Digital Library Normal Method +
Conclusions A good start has been made with HIS Digital Hydrologic Library and Digital Watershed ideas are reasonably well formulated Work on mass balances, fluxes and flows is developing CUAHSI HIS Symposium in Austin, Tx, on March 7-9, 2005 David Maidment: John Helly