SSP DIPLOMA WORKSHOP Evidence Collection
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Practical skillsEvidenceComments 1. Provide planned and spontaneous experiences to foster the physical development of children Documents and monitors the physical developmental progress of a range of individual children Designs safe physical experiences for individuals and groups that foster fine motor, gross motor and fundamental movement skills Provides relevant experiences, equipment and environments that foster physical development for individuals and groups of children. Sets up a range of play & care environments to promote the physical skills and independence of children of different ages Promotes physically active play, physical fitness and good health Uses music and dance to extend children’s physical skills DP AD SF SQ * copy from day book *Photo journal *Hamish portfolio entries NC Pass Credit Distinction
2. Create opportunities for children to develop a wide range of physical skills Demonstrates an understanding of the typical & individual physical skills and abilities of children across a range of ages Demonstrates time management, organisational skills and reflective practice when planning & providing developmental opportunities to enhance physical skills Builds on children’s emerging skills, strengths, interests and own ideas Encourages gender equity and balance in children’s participation Introduces children to new skills DP AD SF SQ * photo’s from smartphone *copies from service program *journal entries NC Pass Credit Distinction
3. Interact with children to foster (physical) skill development Uses a variety of strategies to encourage children’s physical skills and key developmental tasks Acknowledges and respects each child’s level of participation Participates with children demonstrating enthusiasm for physical activity Encourages physical confidence and safety awareness DP AD SF SQ * Munch’n’move inservice training *photo journal *music & movement group time plan NC Pass Credit Distinction
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