Disabled people among us Gabrysia Bazoberry Ordonez VIc
In our world, there are many people with diseases. Some of them aren’t very dangerous or strange like flu, but other are really dangerous and make us behave strange.
Mental disability
Down’s syndrome Symptoms: one eye is another colour than the second one, kids can be fatter and shorter than healthy children. Kids with down’s syndrome are usually nice, you only have to try to help them.
Autism Children with autism usually don’t talk or talk only a little. They don’t like being with people, sometimes they don’t understand you. They can be interested in puzzles, for example.
Angelman’s syndrome It’s a really strange syndrome. Symptoms: sometimes kids laugh without any reason, they are like „puppets”. But you shouldn’t laugh or say something bad about these kids. Imagine you’ve got this syndrome…
Physical disability
Blind people Blind people can’t see because of their eyes. Living without seeing anything is hard. Usually dogs help these people and sometimes they use a white stick.
Broken leg, broken arm… It happeans when you, for example, fall off the stairs. Then you have to stay at home. Few weeks should be enough.
People shouldn’t make these kids feel worse than others, so don’t care about their diseases – care about their advantages.