ALL ABOUT OWLS 5th Grade Rooms 21 and 48
Where do owls live? Barn Owls-U.S.A, Mexico, parts of Canada Holes Barns Caves Tree cavities Great Horned Owls-most of Canada Snowy Owls-Canada, Arctic Ground
Where do owls live? Elf owls Desert Cacti Long-eared owls Forests Burrowing owls Near fields
Vocabulary Habitat- The owl’s adaptable surroundings Territory- The owl’s personal space
What are the physical features of an owl? A main part of the owl is the head. The head has features such as the eyes, beak, neck, ears, facial disc, ear tufts, and a mustache of feathers. The body consists of feathers and wings. On the feet there are short small feathers, talons, toes, and toenails. There are four toes, one of them is reversible.
Vocabulary Eggtooth-A part of an owls beak used to break open it’s egg. Talon-A sharp, curved toe that an owl catches and pierces prey with. Molting-When an owl sheds it’s feathers.
What are the kinds of owls that live in our world? There are about 134 species of owls in the world. That isn’t very much, but to name a few, there are…
Types Of U.S. Owls Great Horned Owls Screech Owls Elf Owls Burrowing Owls Spotted Owls
Types Of Canadian Owls Great Gray Owls Northern Hawk Owls Long-Eared Owls Northern Pygmy Owls Northern Saw Wheat Owls Snowy Owls
Types Of Mexican And African Owls Barn Owls (Mexico) Vermiculated Screech Owls (Mexico and Africa) Spotted Owls (Mexico) Whiskered Screech Owls (Mexico)
What do owls eat? Large owls eat: Snakes Rabbits Rodents Mice Small birds Small owls eat: Insects
Prey and Rodents Prey An animal that is hunted by another animal. An animal whose front teeth never stop growing, such as a beaver, squirrel, rat, and mouse.
How do owls eat? First, the owl has to catch food: mice, rabbits, birds, squirrels, fish, even deer. Then the owl takes the food back to it’s nest. If the food is too large, the owl rips it to pieces.
Pellets Pellets are a lump of hair, bones, teeth, and fur. Pellets take the shape of the gizzard. Pellets are regurgitated 8 to 10 hours after the prey is eaten.
What adaptations have allowed owls to survive? Female owls have feathery mustaches to know how close they are to their prey. Camouflage feathers blend in with the owl’s surroundings.
Vocabulary Migrate- To move seasonally from one climate to another. Bird of prey-A bird with a hooked beak and talons that hunts other animals for it’s food.
What Is The Life-Cycle of an Owl? The owl’s life begins when the owl is born from it’s egg. When the owl gets older, it will eventually find a mate. The female lays an egg, and the cycle starts all over again.
Vocabulary Owlet - A baby owl. Endangered species - An animal that has a small population.
Bibliography Arnosky, Jim. All About Owls. Scholastic Press, 1995. Biel, Timothy. Owls. Wildlife Education Ltd., 2001. George, Jean. The Moon of the Owls . HarperCollins, 1993. Guiberson, Brenda. Spotted Owl. Henry Holt and Company Inc., 1994. Markle, Sandra. Owls. Carolrhoda Books Inc., 2004. Mason, Adrienne. Owls. Kids Can Press, 2004. Richardson, Adele D. Owls: Flat Faced Flyers. Capstone Press, 2003. Sattler, Helen. The Book of North American Owls. Clarion Books, 1995. Swanson, Diane. Owls. Gareth Stevens. 1998.
Webliography Owls of North America-
Special thanks to: Creative Arts for bringing Wingmasters to Franklin School. Mrs. Matera for helping us with our research and PowerPoint presentation. Ms. Hayward, Ms. Lufkin and Ms. Marsh for helping us with our research and writing.