Child - Adult League starts April 6 th. Plans are for three games each weekend, mite level, squirt/pee wee level and Bantam/High school level. Sign up start March 1 end March 15 th. Summer Ice is back with plenty of hockey activities* Summer camps Cyclones and Total Package Hockey Child – Adult league Power skating clinics Helmets with full cage are mandatory for all players under 18 during any practice, game or open hockey. If there are pucks on the ice and/or stick in the players hands, this rule must be enforced, period. Ice shut down – The ice will be replaced late August – early September *The summer programs are designed and built to benefit the members. We need member participation to make them work. Our goal is to provide the best programs available. Any suggestions/recommendations for improvements are encouraged and welcome. General Announcments 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey1
Implementation of USA Hockey American Development Model (ADM) – comprehensive practice plans at the Mite level, still under development at the upper age levels Coach-centric programs across House, Select and Travel categories – practice and game structure dependent on individual coaching staff Increased hockey enrollment – great numbers at the Mite and Squirt level, smaller programs at the older age groups (consistent with a developing program) Introduction of League Athletics as central scheduling and communication tool - inconsistent adoption across all programs and age groups Shortage of goalies and goalie-specific development Recap 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey2
Program-centric approach to provide consistency across age levels and with other USA Hockey programs Bottom Up/Top Down Approach – develop strong house programs and competitive travel programs Commitment to USA Hockey American Development Model (ADM) – focused on age specific development Addition of Director of Player and Program Development Incorporation of power skating program into all youth hockey age groups Goalie development program – dedicated/expert coaching for goalies beginning at Squirt level Consistent adoption of League Athletics by all age groups and parents – standardize as central scheduling and notification tool 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Goals
Kevin Lord – IHWC Hockey Director Rob Seichter – Youth Hockey Director John McClay – Board Liaison Age group Commissioners: Mite – Bobby McConnell Squirt – Kip Heekin Pee Wee – Steve Bolyard Bantam – Tom O’Brien Varsity/JV – Jason Skaggs/Jeff Jenkins 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey4 Youth Hockey Contacts
House Open to all players, regardless of playing experience 2 practices, 1 game per week (around 15 games) All games played against other IHWC House teams No tryouts Select Team selected by tryout (scheduled for Fall) Practices and games with house program games beyond house schedule, additional practices Travel Team selected by tryout (scheduled for Spring) Independent practice and game schedule 2 practices/week, games 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey5 Playing Level Overview
10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey6 Travel Hockey Success Factors
10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey7 Travel Hockey Success Factors
Spring Tryouts for Travel teams, Fall tryouts for Select teams Tryouts will be conducted by age-level coaches, with talent evaluation by independent coaches from other age groups Players will be evaluated on the following criteria Skating Skill Shooting Skill Puck Control Work Ethic/Coachability Hockey Sense Players will be ranked by total scores in all categories Initial rosters will include the top players at each level, to accommodate new members. Rosters will be supplemented by alternates prior to season Players will be notified within 1 week of tryout, including alternate status 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey8 Tryout Format
10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey9 Playing Up Policy The policy places a priority on safety and age-appropriate player development For a player to participate above their designated age group, they must be evaluated as one of the top line players in their position in the age group they are requesting to play in Requests to play up must be submitted to and approved by the age appropriate level commissioner, the upper level commissioner and the committee and ruled upon prior to the first tryout. Coaches alone do not have the authority to authorize a player to play up, nor do they have the authority to permit a player to tryout for a level at which he/she is not authorized to tryout by the level commissioners and the committee.
Mite Mite House Mite Select Squirt Squirt House Squirt Select Squirt Travel Pee Wee Pee Wee House Pee Wee Travel B Pee Wee Travel A 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Teams Bantam Bantam House Bantam Select High School Varsity Jr. Varsity (tentative)
Eligibility – birth year 2005 and later, must have completed LTS program Divided into Mite Major and Mite Minor groups on age/ability Practices structured based on USA Hockey American Development Model (ADM) 4-6 teams based on registration and talent, open to first 60 Non-logo colored game jerseys provided to all players All registration must be completed through the IHWC website Registration dates will be communicated, $100 fee for late registration (for current members) Schedule: 2 practices/week 16 game season 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Mite House Program
Eligibility – birth year 2005 and later, must be house participant Tryout scheduled for September (date TBA) Top players will be selected to roster, up to 3 additional players selected as substitutes Mite Select team will practice and play games with Squirt house program Fees include ice time, home/away Blizzard jerseys with name and number, game socks - (tournament fees may be added) Schedule: team practices games (within 2 hour driving distance) 4-10 tournaments 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Mite Select Program
Eligibility – birth year 2003 and 2004, open to all members regardless of playing experience Practices based on American Development Model (ADM) Open to first 48 registered players - 4 balanced teams of 12 Fees include ice time, home/away Blizzard jerseys with name and number, game socks All registration must be completed through the IHWC website Registration dates will be communicated, $100 fee for late registration (for current members) Schedule: 2 practices/week 16 game season Season ending tournament 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Squirt House Program
Eligibility – birth year 2003 and 2004 Tryout scheduled for September Top players will be selected to roster, up to 3 additional players selected as substitutes Fees include ice time, home/away Blizzard jerseys with name and number, game socks - (tournament fees may be added) Schedule: team practices games (within 2 hour driving distance) 4-10 tournaments 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Squirt Select Program
Eligibility – birth year 2003 and 2004 Tryout scheduled for Monday, 3/11 5:30-6:50pm Top players will be selected to roster, up to 3 additional players selected as substitutes Fees include ice time, home/away Blizzard jerseys with name and number, game socks - (tournament fees may be added) Independent practice and game schedule Registration for tryouts is required and will close on 3/9 Schedule: 2 practices/week games (within 2 hour driving distance) 4-6 tournaments 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Squirt Travel Program
Eligibility – birth year 2001 and 2002, open to all members regardless of playing experience Pee Wee house program will participate as part of MYHL (Midwest Youth Hockey League) Fees include ice time, home/away Blizzard jerseys with name and number, game socks All registration must be completed through the IHWC website Registration dates will be communicated, $100 fee for late registration (for current members) Schedule: 2 practices/week 16 game season as part of MYHL Season ending tournament 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Pee Wee House Program
Eligibility – birth year 2001 and 2002 Tryout scheduled for Monday, 3/11 7:00-8:20pm Two travel teams will be selected Travel A – top ranked players Travel B – top players after A team selections Teams will compete in Buckeye or Independent league Fees include ice time, home/away Blizzard jerseys with name and number, game socks - (tournament fees may be added) Registration for tryouts is required and will close on 3/9 Schedule: 2-3 practices/week (including dryland training) games (within 2 hour driving distance) 4-6 tournaments 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Pee Wee Travel Program
Eligibility – birth year 1999 and 2000, open to all members regardless of playing experience Bantam house program will participate as part of MYHL (Midwest Youth Hockey League) Fees include ice time, home/away Blizzard jerseys with name and number, game socks All registration must be completed through the IHWC website Registration dates will be communicated, $100 fee for late registration (for current members) Schedule: 2 practices/week 16 game season as part of MYHL Season ending tournament 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Bantam House Program
Eligibility – birth year 1999 and 2000 Tryout scheduled for September Top players will be selected to roster, up to 3 additional players selected as substitutes Compete against lower level Buckeye Travel teams Fees include ice time, home/away Blizzard jerseys with name and number, game socks - (tournament fees may be added) Independent practice and game schedule Schedule: 2-3 practices/week (including dryland training) 30 games (within 2 hour driving distance) 1-2 tournaments 10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Bantam Select Program
10/13/2015IHWC Youth Hockey Varsity/JV Program Eligibility – High school aged players Tryout scheduled for September for varsity team JV team may be formed if numbers allow. Some players may be double rostered; asked to play on both teams Fees include ice time & tournament fees Fees include ice time, home/away Blizzard jerseys with name and number, game socks (jackets optional at additional cost) Participant in Cincinnati Club H.S. League. Member teams for 2013 season: Lakota East, Lakota West, Mason, Butler County, LaSalle, Fairfield, Northern Kentucky, and Walnut Hills Schedule: 2 practices/week 25 games