Item 5: Exchange of views on the international agenda Council of Presidents 12 June 2009 A. van den HovenCouncil of Presidents –12 June 2009
2 Exports hit by crisis EU export sectors hit hard –Cars (-28%), chemicals (-15%), machinery (-10%) –Overall EU exports down 10% EU export markets down –US (-27%), Russia (-10%), China and India (-9%) Shortage of export credits –Difficult for short term to East (e.g. Ukraine) –Excessive rates for medium term coverage International agenda Council of Presidents –12 June 2009A. van den Hoven
International agenda International Action Multilateral coordination in G8/G20 events –Finance for companies –Avoid distortions in stimulus plans –Fight protectionism and conclude WTO Round Boost bilateral cooperation with key markets –US: prevent regulatory distortions –China: open procurement and limit subsidies –Russia: oppose new protectionism –Japan: push for WTO, remove NTBs 3 Council of Presidents –12 June 2009A. van den Hoven
4 International Trade Negotiations WTO Doha Round –December 2009 Ministerial conference in Geneva –Focus on sector agreements (goods/services) –Need US-EU-China cooperation FTA negotiations –Korea: close to conclusion –Ukraine, Canada, India, ASEAN, MED in 2010 International agenda Council of Presidents –12 June 2009A. van den Hoven
5 Issues for dicussion Fighting protectionism –What is the best way to fight protectionism? e.g. “Buy America” or Russian tariffs –Critic of protectionist measures: Are there risks for EU investors? Free trade negotiations –How to balance between majority and opposed sectors? International agenda Council of Presidents –12 June 2009A. van den Hoven