Open Health Tools Membership Presentation July Phast Phast is an Association of Healthcare Professionals that delivers interoperable terminological solutions concerning medication and medical devices at a national level in France Statement of Company / Organization’s Primary Business
Company Overview Association of Healthcare professionals, mandated by the French Ministry of Health to assure the basis for unambiguous exchange of information in hospital, clinics and long-term care facilities concerning medications and their management, extending to medical devices. Terminology services (content and distribution) – 85% of France Internationally: Co-leader with Lantana (USA) in the normative version of SFM CTS2 in the HL7 Vocabulary and SOA Working Groups (HSSP). Part of the Finalization Task Force, now Revision Task Force in OMG Type of Business Hybrid =Terminology services and product
Motivation for Joining Open Health Tools Our CTS2 terminology server is based on the HL7 SFM and currently being aligned with the OMG specs. With this goal in mind, we would like to make our console (tool used to populate our data base; also used as a testing and conformance tool) open source Solutions Implemented None at the moment. Involvement with Open Health Tools CTS2 Project Charter Links to Products or Services (English) (French, a few paragraphs in English)