Reid McWilliams David Ricardo
DAY 1 (Prep for Video) International Trade ISI vs. EOI Arguments for Free Trade Arguments against it Subsidies Current Negotiations DAY 2 Free Trade Video
The exchange of goods and services between nations CIA World Factbook
50% of World trade Developed Developed 35% of World trade Developed Developing 15% of World trade: Developing Developing
Developed Countries Technology (High tech goods) ▪ Airplanes and computers Developing Countries Basic Textiles and Food ▪ Cloth, Rice, Wheat, etc.
ISI – a policy aimed to attempt to reduce its foreign dependency through the local production of industrialized products. EOI – aims to speed up the industrialization process of a country through exporting goods in which the given nation has a comparative advantage. Anyone? The ability of a country to produce a particular good or service at a lower opportunity cost than another country Which one demonstrates free trade principles? What are some advantages and disadvantages to each of these policies?
Advantages Tariffs on imported goods (usually high) Helps domestic companies Disadvantages Decreased competition Growth Rate slower than EOI ▪ (The Life You Can Save) Reliant on government to retain its policies
Advantages Allows specialization in products YOU are good at because of location, population, etc. Strong export base allows for global competition and eventually, ▪ diversification of economy. ▪ GDP growth Disadvantages Reliant on demand for their specialty
Comparative Advantage Countries help each other out. But, it is also about productivity ▪ Who can produce the most amount of one good without sacrificing too much of the other good? Heckscher and Olin Trade Theory ▪ Simplified: Countries have comparative advantages in goods for which the required factors of production are abundant locally. ▪ Therefore, developing countries will have a comparative advantage in unskilled, labor-intensive products.
Economies of Scale The increase in efficiency of production as the number of goods being produced increases. Particularly used between developed countries to determine comparative advantage. Product Differentiation Another way to determine comparative advantage between developed countries. Apple or Windows? All helps to lower overall retail price.
Income Inequality more export opportunities would raise wages of those primarily producing export goods while increased competition from imports would tend to decrease wages of workers producing substitutable goods domestically. Increased Unemployment Low-skilled / Labor-intensive jobs can be exported abroad where employees can be paid less.
Free Trade Agreement between Canada, the United States, and Mexico Controversial – Americans worried that low-skilled jobs would be exported to Mexico U.S. – Korea Free Trade Agreement Let Korea have our beef and cars.
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Global Economics - Global Exchange: Free Trade & Protection Video Wcs0 Wcs0