SHELL SCHEME - N200,000 9 SQR. METRES PARTIONING COMPANY NAME ON FASCIA 1 TABLE 2 CHAIRS 1 SOCKET FOR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES INTERNET FACILITIES OTHER INFORMATION TV monitor/ DVD are available for 10,000 each Additional tables and Chairs for 1,000 each OPEN SPACE STAND - N80,000 Exhibitors for the open space stand will require a minimum of 12 square meters each 1 TABLE 1 CHAIR. NIFIEX
Value Added Package for all NIFIEX exhibitors Automatic listing on NIFIEX exhibitors catalogue with company logo and profile One official copy of the FOOD BUSINESS MAGAZINE Automatic listing of Company in NIFIEX Website with Discount on Package Reserved Accommodation in the FCT No Registration Fees A list of exhibitors, their products and contact addresses will be made. Companies or government agencies can book for advertisement space in the FOOD BUSINESS MAGAZINE. (OFFICIAL CATALOGUE OF NIFIEX 2014). The rates for advertising through this medium are Full page – colour - N 300,000 Double page -- colour N 500,000 Inside front cover – colour N 375,000 Inside back cover – colour N 300,000 Outside back cover colour- N 350,000 Other rates apply to the pages and sizes required on pro –rata basis
REGISTRATIONNIFIEX Name of Organisation………………………………………………………………………. Address……………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………….State…… …………………………………….. Contact Person………………………………………………………………………………….. Designation………………………………………………………………………………………..Tel………………………………………………… …………………………………………… Interested in Exhibition Attendance Paper presentation Group/Delegates Exhibition Attendance Paper presentation Group/Delegates Conference and Exhibition Space Application Total number of Delegates Exhibition Space Required square metres Please Complete the above and a)Scan and mail to carrefour44nig2gmail.comor Or b)Send to the secretariat- CARREFOUR NIG LTD. Suite1, Plot 90 Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent Wuse 2. FCT, Abuja CARREFOUR NIG LTD. Suite1, Plot 90 Adetokunbo Ademola Crescent Wuse 2. FCT, Abuja Authorized Signature………………………………………………………………………………………… Name…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Date……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… All payments to ; Account Name Bank A confirmation and unique registration Number will be sent to your and tel Number. THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING…