P HYSICAL S CIENCE SPS9 Students will investigate the properties of waves. What you need to know – next empty page All waves transfer energy. What you need to be able to do– second empty page Identify the three types of mechanical waves and discuss how they are produced. Question of the day – Third empty page How are mechanical waves created? Waves are created when a source of energy causes the particles in a medium to vibrate. 2 nd Period Agenda - 4/10/2014 Waves PowerPoint Waves Math Do questions 1-4 page 503 and 1-5 page 507 Make up Tests on Energy and Thermodynamics during advisement. Test on waves on April 18, 2014 Bring Your Textbook to class tomorrow
P HYSICAL S CIENCE SPS9 Students will investigate the properties of waves. What you need to know – next empty page All waves transfer energy. What you need to be able to do– second empty page Identify the three types of mechanical waves and discuss how they are produced. Question of the day – Third empty page A series of pulses traveling through a medium can create a ___________ __________. 5 th Period Agenda - 4/10/2014 Review questions 1-4 page 503 and 1-5 page 507 Complete waves math problems Make up Tests on Energy and Thermodynamics during advisement. Test on waves on April 18, 2014 Bring Your Textbook to class tomorrow
H ONORS H UMAN A NATOMY AND P HYSIOLOGY Analyze, and explain the relationships between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems as they obtain oxygen needed for the oxidation of nutrients and removal of carbon dioxide. Blood Type Lab make ups during advisement on Wednesday Circulatory System PowerPoint continued Heart dissection Study; This Test will be Tuesday April 15, 2014 Senior Project Part 2 Due April 28, /10/2014 Agenda
H ONORS P HYSICS Standard – Describe the transmission of mechanical energy into electrical energy and the transmission of electrical energy. Review Homework Questions 1 – 22 pages 659 and 660 Electric potential Coulombs Laws Problems Senior Project Part 2 Due April 28, /10/2014 Agenda
A DVANCED S CIENTIFIC R ESEARCH - R OBOTICS Standard – Communicate scientific investigations clearly and accurately. App Writing Challenge Classroom Competition Robots Due March 28 Show me what you’ve got. Griffin May Fling April 26 th and April 27 th. 4/7/2014 Agenda