COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.1 Cosc 1P02 Week 4 Lecture slides “Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute.” - Donald Knuth
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.2 Sound Waves of air pressure increases in pressure (wave) called compressions decreases in pressure (toughs) called rarefactions Sound perceived based on shape, frequency and amplitude of wave Sine wave simplest sound (regular) cycle amplitude Frequency
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.3 Volume we hear changes in intensity (amplitude) Change (ratio) measured in decibels (dB) Commonly volume expressed in dB as ratio to threshold of audibility (0 dB SPL) normal speech: 60 dB SPL shouting: 80 db SPL Based on a logarithmic scale 10 db is 10x louder then 0 (silence) 20 db is 100x louder then 0 (silence) 30 db is 1000x louder etc….
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.4 Pitch/Tone All sounds are periodic have cycles Frequency is the number of cycles per second (measures in Hertz (Hz)) the A above middle C is 440Hz we can hear from 2Hz to 22,000 Hz (or 22 kHz) we hear pitch as the change in frequency in standard tuning ratio of notes in neighboring octaves is 2:1 (e.g. 440Hz : 880Hz) ratio of notes in different octaves remains constant
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.5 Shape Different sources of sound - sound different even when playing the same note e.g. flute vs piano Sounds seldom have a single frequency overtones are other frequencies in the sound that are at lower amplitude The central tone is called the fundamental tone Sounds also vary by attack, fade and other characteristics
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.6 Exploring Sounds SoundInspector tool Java program built using the BasicIO & Media libraries draws sound wave and allows zooming in on parts of wave E.g c4.wav – sine wave - middle C e4.wav – sine wave – E above C bassoon-c4.wav – bassoon playing middle C rabbit.wav thisisatest.wav
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.7 Encoding (Digitizing) Sounds Microphone measures air (sound) pressure record voltage (analog) as a number (digital) – analog-to- digital conversion (ADC) Sound is change of air pressure over time record samples of air pressure over time Number of samples? depends on highest frequency to capture Nyquist’s theorem – to capture frequencies up to n Hz must have 2n samples per second to handle 22,000 Hz need 44,000 samples per second CDs are sampled at 44,100 samples per second Sample size CDs use 2 bytes (16 bits) per sample 65,536 (2 16 ) possible values (-32,768 to 32,767) Note: 80 44,100 samples per second at 2 bytes per sample x 2 channels (stereo) = 846,720,000 bytes or approximately 800 Mb
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.8 Sound & SoundPlayer Sound class in the Media library provides access to sounds sounds can be loaded from files (.wav ) SoundPlayer class in the BasicIO library provides a window with a button to play a sound Sound objects placed on SoundPlayer Example Load and play a sound
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.9 Making a Sound Louder Increase amplitude of each sample multiply each by some factor (parameter of a method) Example Sequence through all samples in sound Sample class for each executes body once for each Sample in the Sound index variable (now a Sample ) is each Sample in succession Saving the result Did it work?
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.10 Generating Clipping Clipping occurs when the sample value exceeds the maximum sample size (e.g. greater than 32,767 or less than -32,768 for a 2 byte sample). sample value when clipped will be the maximum value (32,767 or -32,768) If keep increasing volume, clipping occurs What happens if all samples clipped? Example program to set all samples to maximum value What does signal look like? Note: we can still understand it! if statement choice between executing two alternatives to handle maximum positive and maximum negative
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.11 If Statement Syntax If condition is true, the first set of statements (then part) is executed, otherwise the second set of statements (else part) is executed Condition an expression that is either true or false relational operators note: also used in for statement (second part)
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.12 Normalizing a Sound What if we want to make a sound as loud as we can without causing clipping? Need to know the largest (absolute value) amplitude (sample) Can scale each sample by the ratio of this largest value to the maximum sample size ( 32,767 ) Finding maximum sequence through all samples and if find one that is bigger than the biggest so far, change our guess of what the biggest value is work with absolute value (i.e. don’t care if positive or negative) need a starting guess since looking at absolute value, no sample can be smaller than 0 so 0 can be starting guess Example Note: need two loops one to find maximum one to scale samples
COSC 1P02 Introduction to Computer Science 4.13 The end